Someone explain Bob Marshall to me

I am guilty of describing someone or discussing them as if they were not there and I think that is natural but not always best. The ADA's intent originally was to make things in a way that those that were disabled would not draw attention to themselves or "notice" their disability but still allow them to function. But like all good well intentioned things they get abused and yes by the disabled and the wannabe disabled.

My BIL is paralysed on one side and has never whined about his paralysis but has had plenty of people whine for him.

Sorry for the off topic my mind is drifting.
Need to go visit my new lake in the front yard.
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I am guilty of describing someone or discussing them as if they were not there and I think that is natural but not always best. The ADA's intent originally was to make things in a way that those that were disabled would not draw attention to themselves or "notice" their disability but still allow them to function. But like all good well intentioned things they get abused and yes by the disabled and the wannabe disabled.

My BIL is paralysed on one side and has never whined about his paralysis but has had plenty of people whine for him.

Sorry for the off topic my mind is drifting.
Need to go visit my new lake in the front yard.

We have done that with Paige. But we don't whine for her. We just are very protective of her, physically and emotionally. Her liver is shot, Her ribs are supported with rods and those are extended every 6 months to grow with her. She's very fragile but she never shows it. We have to pick her up a certain way and her hands don't always funtion correctly due to her fingers and toes being too small. She can't pick things up right or bend over like her sister can. It's very tough but she just smiles through it all and adjusts herself to accomodate her disadvantages. I admire that little girl. I just wish we had more time with her than what we'll get.
It sound as if she is happy and getting good care. What is her life expectancy?

We have done that with Paige. But we don't whine for her. We just are very protective of her, physically and emotionally. Her liver is shot, Her ribs are supported with rods and those are extended every 6 months to grow with her. She's very fragile but she never shows it. We have to pick her up a certain way and her hands don't always funtion correctly due to her fingers and toes being too small. She can't pick things up right or bend over like her sister can. It's very tough but she just smiles through it all and adjusts herself to accomodate her disadvantages. I admire that little girl. I just wish we had more time with her than what we'll get.
It sound as if she is happy and getting good care. What is her life expectancy?

Actually she keeps surpassing all of her doctors' expectations. She wasn't supposed to make it to age 1 but she's now about 7 and going to school almost regularly. Unless, of course, there's an illness going around or her temp spikes. She has a very sensative immune system and everytime she catches something, it sets back her rib expansion surgeries. They set a limit to her life span every couple of years and so far, she's been quite lucky :)
I hope she continues to surprise us all.

I have a niece who is now in her early 20's that weighed 15 ounces when she was born (preemie) you could hold her in the palm of your hand. She was transparent you could see all her organs. She made it fine despite the poor outlooks her doctors gave her.

Actually she keeps surpassing all of her doctors' expectations. She wasn't supposed to make it to age 1 but she's now about 7 and going to school almost regularly. Unless, of course, there's an illness going around or her temp spikes. She has a very sensative immune system and everytime she catches something, it sets back her rib expansion surgeries. They set a limit to her life span every couple of years and so far, she's been quite lucky :)
I hope she continues to surprise us all.

I have a niece who is now in her early 20's that weighed 15 ounces when she was born (preemie) you could hold her in the palm of your hand. She was transparent you could see all her organs. She made it fine despite the poor outlooks her doctors gave her.

Wow! You have a miracle niece right there!!

My family always keeps the hope that Paige will keep surprising us and surpassing all of her milestones :) I'll never give up on her fight. She's tough and I'm sure she has a chance of living a long (albeit difficult) life with a smile the whole way.

Because according to this article, he's the devil.
I really apologize to anyone who agrees with him. I'm not trying to offend you. But I'm completely offended by this and I don't understand his belief in this theory.
I have a disabled cousin who is so precious to me and her parents.
P.S. Her mother never had an abortion...

Usually, when a television or radio website has a story about a politician saying X, Y, or Z, there is audio or video footage of that politician making the statement to back up the claims. I have to take this whole dust-up over a 2 year old, unverified report with a huge rock of salt.
Tiny, your niece is just adorable.
I hope very much that she keeps on exceeding the doctors expectations!!
What a little cutie..

And i have to say that i do think that we actually can learn things (about ourselves and about life) from knowing, loving and working closely with disabled persons..
I know that i have learned many things...
Tiny, your niece is just adorable.
I hope very much that she keeps on exceeding the doctors expectations!!
What a little cutie..

And i have to say that i do think that we actually can learn things (about ourselves and about life) from knowing, loving and working closely with disabled persons..
I know that i have learned many things...

Very much so. Just as a parent learns more of the world through living through the eyes of a child, all of us can learn and enjoy more of the world by being with the disabled.

Life would be so incredibly boring if we were all the same, and all perfect.

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