Something's wrong with my chick URGENT!

Granny Gwenda

In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2021
My chick isn't moving or running around at all like her siblings. When she tries to walk she seems like she can't keep her balance . All she does is it with her eyes closed, and when i pick her up she doesn't react at all, but sometimes she tries to very weakly kick. She doesn't seem to have any injuries or anything. Nothing seems to be wrong with her wings or legs or anything.

Someone please help me!!! 😢
My chick isn't moving or running around at all like her siblings. When she tries to walk she seems like she can't keep her balance . All she does is it with her eyes closed, and when i pick her up she doesn't react at all, but sometimes she tries to very weakly kick. She doesn't seem to have any injuries or anything. Nothing seems to be wrong with her wings or legs or anything.

Someone please help me!!! 😢
coccidiosis? @Kiki @Eggcessive @JacinLarkwell
How old is she?
What exactly are you feeding them?
What is the temperature in the brooder?
Were did you get this chick? Shipped from a hatchery? Hatched? Purchased?
If she's from TSC, I had a very similar experience with a chick that ended in death. Sounds exactly like yours. Does she have patsy butt? Poop sticking to the fluff around her vent?

If she was hatched, sometimes chicks fail to thrive, that could be a possibility as well.
Shipped chicks go through a lot of trauma, she could have been trampled, or injured in the travel.
Add electrolytes to her water, and try to get her to eat some molasses off your finger. Whats her appetite? Will she eat or drink? Scrambled egg is another good idea.
For now, use a water dropper or syringe, and make a small drop on the end, and touch her beak with it. They will usually drink the drop. Do that to get fluids in her, and make a mash of her feed which will get water in her, and make it easier to eat.
I'm so sorry this is happening, chicks are so delicate, raising them can be heartbreaking.
Did they just hatch? Did your purchase them recently? Were they shipped? What feed are they on?
They haven't just hatched, they're around 2 weeks old i think. They were shipped, and since chick feed isn't available in my area and I can't order online I usually feed them boiled rice.
They haven't just hatched, they're around 2 weeks old i think. They were shipped, and since chick feed isn't available in my area and I can't order online I usually feed them boiled rice.

They haven't just hatched, they're around 2 weeks old i think. They were shipped, and since chick feed isn't available in my area and I can't order online I usually feed them boiled rice.
They are going to suffer major protein and nutritional deficiencies eating only rice. If you can get on this website you can order chicks starter, I don't mean to sound rude.
They haven't just hatched, they're around 2 weeks old i think. They were shipped, and since chick feed isn't available in my area and I can't order online I usually feed them boiled rice.
Boiled rice is not even close to a nutritional balanced chick feed. You do need to find a way to get ahold of some for them.
Why can't you order online? If you can't feed a nutritionally balanced feed your going to have MAJOR problems with them as adults.
Chewy and Amazon sell chick starter. Were are you located that doesn't have a feed store supplying chicken feed? Sorry if I sound harsh, I live quite far from town as well, so no feed stores near me. I can still order online though, and am able to my my weekly trip to town for feed.

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