Sorry But I've Seen Something And It Really Bothers Me

It's okay, my mental ears recover quickly. So, if your chick is still alive, what's her name (if she has one) and what does she look like?
her name is goldie even do she is kind of grey i would show her pic but i dont know how to put small pic in here
and im not sure what kind she is but i like her
If you have a small flock and the birds are old enough to keep it clean, an electric dog bowl is great, or a low livestock bowl, because you can dump it once or twice a day and wipe the bowl and everything is pristine again. And if you use ACv, it's squeaky clean. But Nava, yelling at us is counter=productive and for many of us, offensive. Those big waterers are difficult to clean, maybe you could come up with some innovative improvements?
Dirty waterers? That's all!!

What about the ones you see with no waterers, only drinking water for'em is the mud puddles in the run. And the mud is belly deep, fouled with chicken crap. No feeders, feed just chunked over the fence, to land in the same foul mess.

So dirty waterers while being unsightly, do not offend my sensitivities!!!!!
I sympathize with ANYONE (whoops, sorry for yelling that....jk) trying to keep their waterers clean - my Del brats mess it up withing five minutes of my cleaning it- I clean in the morning and at night, and since I work, tha'ts the best I can do for the little poopers. But they sure do crowd around and guzzle for those first few minutes- I have mine elevated, but need to get one that will hang - maybe that will help!
I have recently improved my big metal (5 gallon???) waterer by placing a cone of chicken wire (leftover scrap) over the top to keep the darlings from perching on top and pooping below. It is set on a cinder block when the tractor is on level ground. The guys don't remember to put it on a block. I try my best for my little friends. How about we just let the poster of photos know what we see problematic in their setup?
Who else has problems with the expensive and supposedly last a long time metal waterer losing all the galvanized coating inside and start to rust? I don't use vinegar. County water. It has been less than a year.
I'd like to get it hanging but can't lift the stupid thing with my bum shoulder and back.

So before I get way off topic, is this about bad care, or people who post photos with care problems showing?
I have a duck living with my chickens. Every morning I change the water, and it looks nice. By the time I get home from work, it all looks pretty disgusting. I have 5 water dishes out. The duck has access to 3 of them. Those 3 get pretty nasty. I will apologize in advance if I accidentally offend anyone by posting a picture of any of my chickens and one of the duck's "bathtubs" happens to be in the shot.

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