Sorry - but this lady has us all beat!

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Didn't anyone check out the inspiration for this coop? Heck, it makes this woman's look like a coal-mining shanty in comparison.

At any rate, I like both of 'em, even if the ensuing besmirchment will be highly evident.
Well it's elegant, but you know if I were one of those chickens, I'd rather have more room. I'd rather have a nice big pasture so I could live a real chicken life, exploring something like the natural world, getting a good amount of exercise, finding worms etc etc. An elegant habitat for chickens to my mind is one that makes happy chickens not one whose primary purpose is to cater to the owners' aesthetic sense. I would have put my money and effort into fencing as large an area as possible.
Yep....chickens don't care how their coop looks long as its safe, has food and water, good nests and roosts, plenty of air and light.

It looks great to me and its a lovely thought.....but chickens like being chickens, roaming over the cool green grass, dusting in a fine dust bowl and sunning with their wings stretched out like solar panels.

I sure wouldn't mine a nice gazebo designed by this lady!!!
Screened in and with an old-fashioned Victorian charm, pristine white....yep, I'd take it!
So it's safe to assume,...
that most of us here,would consider,...

Going to Bavaria, and buying Neuschwanstine Castle,....
covering it with some poultry wire,....
and calling it a Coop,...

Would be a little Over the Top ????

I just wish I had that coop. My chicks must think they live in HOBO city. We used pallets for their stuff and while they have not besmirtched it too Now the Bavarian castle idea! Gut Gemached! Tiki Taki Tiki Taki Oi Oi Oi

I think that there is a lot of room for expression and really do the chickens care? I don't think so. I think that these might be a little extreme but they seem to bring joy to the owners and that is the point after all
wow! now all the hens need is tea! jk. bring on the besmirchment!! my chickens live in the ghetto. We are talking hers live in hollywood hills and mine are in Watts.
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