Sorry - but this lady has us all beat!

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That coop is very similar in design to the playhouse coop and others that people have built that are right here on BYC.

It has some built in storage, but the rest of the things that make it so charming are really the details. I absolutely love the screen door scroll work and knob! It reminds me of my grandmother's house! The house I grew up in had glass nobs on the doors, too. It has fancier hinges and handles on the doors. A little more trim around the doors, instead of just flat panels. Of course, the cream paint adds to the look. I think it's a great example of what people can do to change the look of their coop, just with a few details.

That coop really needs two things. A raccoon proof latch on the screen door and some pansies! My great-grandma always had pansies planted next to the house.
I tried that---planting pretty things---and the first time I let the chooks out of their new fancy run, they DESTROYED them. Left my fully-stocked veggie garden alone---but MOWED DOWN on my flowers. *sniff* That is what I get for trying to give them more space.
Err...these ladies are on BYC

•My favorite source for learning all things chicken related has been the website Backyard Chickens.​

Then they are probably just sitting back, laughing at our silliness, and enjoying the obvious coop envy. They know we *heart* them.
I look at both coop inspiration links and I do believe what makes these coops so beautiful is the light paint and the contrast with the detail. It just gives me inspiration that I could change my little hobo city coop into something really and truly beautiful with some paint.

I think too that if you are keeping chickens in a suburban area and have nosey neighbors looking over the fence - for them to see something like that - kind of looks like a victorian planting shed or a small green house.

Imagine how stupid the nosey neighbors would feel when they tried to lure other neighbors to look at it and say chickens are dirty and spread disease and the new nosey neighbor sees that coop and wants one just like it!

I am thinking there is something to this painting and making the coop beautiful - not for all of us but for some of us.

I love it! Both of them two thumbs up!

Yeah I thought the same thing, she couldve extended the run a LOT instead of planting shrubs, ect to "hide the poop" but after reading more of her blog, they apparently have the good life, and free range all day, relax on her lawn furniture (funny though, in the photo theres no poop on the fluffy white cushions) and go into their coop at night. I love the design, although its not my style, still love to see it and they are well taken care of. I was also pleased to see she has my excellent taste and used the same coop door handles purchased at HD.
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