Sorry - but this lady has us all beat!

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Plant ruellia. It THRIVES on "being mowed down." The brittonia varieties need regular trimming or they get really tall; katy pretty much never needs pruning. Guess which I have most of, and which I wish I had instead.

When I first planted it, the bunny literally ate it to the ground. He finally gave up--it outgrows his appetite. I find that chickens do the largest number on plants that are just coming up--once they are well started the plants seem to do okay. Mine are more interesting in scratching and digging than in eating the pansies.
Hi. I'm the owner of the "Coop" mentioned in this discussion. And Wow. You guys are absolutely mean and brutal. I learned so many things by visiting BYC before my husband and I built our coop. We credited the website and mentioned how we got our inspiration from many of you. I used to really enjoy visiting here and finding ways to raise our chicks. But I have to say these snide, rude comments are inappropriate and not at all friendly in spirit.
To call me a piece of work, say I have dyed poodles, laugh at our efforts to build the coop, maintain it and raise chickens etc. Uncalled for. Thanks so much for making a newcomer feel completely UNWELCOME!
Hi hmbullard! I've very glad you joined! I know for a fact I'm jealous of your coop and I think we all are (in fact there were quite a few compliments). I especially liked your screen door. I wish I could do that, but ours is out in the country and will have to stay as a cabin... for now.

On a side note- When I looked through your blog, you had some beautiful pictures, perhaps you'd like to share them? There's a link in my signature to a photography thread, and we'd love to hear from you if you ever get the time.
Goodness, i do apologize. We are all in love wth the coop, and have a mean case of coop envy. I was just kidding about the dyed poodles, but I realize silliness and sarcasm dont always come across in the written word. Again, I do aplogize, and please don't feel unwelcome. If you read all the way through, you'll see plenty of BYCers giving me the stink-eye for being a complete turd. Please don't judge BYC as a whole because I put both feet in my mouth and my head up my patootie.

Hello hmbullard! Please don't be offended by our silliness! Your coop is gorgeous and that green eyed monster can make folks be a bit snarky. I think what has happened is that your elegant coop has set our imaginations to running rampant, invisioning Victorian Chickens enjoying tea and crumpets in fancy flowered hats... and isn't that kinda what you were going for? My coop is a cute, cottage style converted playhouse and it is lovely... on the outside. I try not to open the door when I have visitors, because my Girls are simply NOT good house keepers. They are normal, messy Chickens, as I'm sure yours are!

When I decided to get Chickens, and had to persuade the Village I live in to allow them, part of my presentation to the Village Board was my vision of a small, attactive coop incorporated into my flower gardens. I wanted to get them to see beyond the stereotypical hillbilly chicken set-up that had turned past generations against chicken raising. It worked. They changed the rules in my Village, and back yard chickens are now welcome. You have taken that idea and gone even further with it, creating an elegant, victorian style coop that, based on your blog, perfectly suits your personality. Please don't take any of the silly comments personally. Setting our imaginations free can get messy... but I really don't think any of it truly meant to be hurtful.

I check out the "Coop and Run" section of this board on a regular basis, because I am always looking for inspiration for improving the look of my coop, and for ideas for my next one (chicken math, you know...) Please don't feel unwelcome. Yours is exactly the kind of inspiration I watch for!! Kathy
Oh Wow! I didn't mean to upset anyone. I do sincerely apologize for my thoughtlessness. I was thinking that the owner of the coop was already a member here and would laugh at our silly comments. It was all in lightheartedness and no harm was meant. Please hang around. We really are a fun bunch of folks. I will be removing my post.
Hi There - my name is Andrea and the chicken coop in the orignal post is mine.

I haven't had a chance to read all the comments but felt I needed to defend myself from the allegations that I have dyed poodles. I have NEVER owned a poodle, dyed or otherwise.

I do have a rather fancy cat (when she isn't puking up dead lizards) though. And I may own a few embroidered hankies.

And, sigh, yes - the coop is already bismirched.

(Note I am not the Andrea that has the stained glass chicken coop and rubber chicken effigy).

I have gotten a ton of information and inspiration from this site and take all the comments in the spirit they were given (hopefully kind hearted teasing).

Nice to meet you all
Oh, I hope you're the real owner (hmbullard is claiming, too!) because you're much funnier

I think the coop is gorgeous, but yes, the first thing I thought was "ah, but it'll be covered in poo in 5 minutes!"
HMBullard has the coop that was one of our inspiration coops. I think someone had a link to her coop in this thread somewhere. Her coop is stunning.

You guys are going to rake me over the coals when you see my blog post about chicken cookies....
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