SOS - Lethargic hen with greenish poop and not eating/drinking


Oct 23, 2019
New York
My BO is 3 and half years old. Always heathy with a good appetite. I noticed her withdrawing from the flock late yesterday, still went to rooster with the flock for the night. This morning she withdrew again and showed no interest of eating/drinking. She has been in her own pen, fed with syringe about 5ML egg liquid and 15ML
electrolyte water. Then I noticed her poop in the picture.
Crop - feels empty;
real end -looks clean despite the squishy poop;
Feather - looks okay, not seeing any bugs (not sure I can see lice or not) though she had started to molt a bit before this; But the tail feather is drooping.

Dewormer - The entire flock was dewormed with Safe-Guard Goat dewormer for 5 days about 2 months ago.

She is getting weaker as the day goes by. Last I noticed she tried to peck the scramble egg I put out in her pen. Pecked and swallowed on bit, then stopped.

Please HELP!


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Any suggestions?
Does it look like Coccidiosis?
The worst is live failure. But she is too young, being 3.5 years old. She was frequently broody last three years, but not in last 6 months. So aging is for sure.
Can you post some photos of her too?

You mention molt - is she molting or not?

I'd work on hydration, the electrolytes are fine to give.
I'd give her 1 Calcium Citrate tablet once a day for 3-5 days, just pop the pill into her beak and let her swallow.
Offer wet feed, bits of egg, fish, etc. to try to entice her to eat a little something once she's drinking.
Do re-check her crop to see that it's emptying overnight.
Thank you!!

Molting- she has been always very light molting all these years. She seemed to start shedding some feathers including her tail feathers a few weeks ago.
She is not eating on her own today; though pecking two, three times at my requests. We used a small syringe to feed, only very limited amount of electrolytes and egg liquid. She doesn’t like wet food at all. Thinking to tube feed to give her some more— mix of egg , yogurt, electrolytes and calc and VD3 . Good idea??

She still has good weight of four to five pounds. Still no clue what went wrong.

Also, plan to give her an epsom bath regardless.

Pray that she will hang on and work with me to eat/drink soon.
Just checked a video I took Tuesday evening- she was very active catching bugs with others. Will post current pictures tomorrow morning. Thank you all again 🙏
Just to update - My BO was gone around 6pm. We didn't see what happened. But it seems that she either choked on food or her own vomit and suffocated.

I put out a plate of bits of rib-eye steak (raw) and a few small grapes around 5pm to replace the plate of scrambled egg, crumbles feed and cracked corns, which she didn't touch. Both are small plates. I stayed a bit when she tried to pick up a grape but dropped. So I left that. It looked that she ate most of 2nd plate. Not sure what made her to eat because she hadn't eaten on her own since early yesterday.

I felt so much guilt now because I felt my action of syringe feeding and 2nd plate may have caused her death. Wonder if she could've survived this without my intervention. Haven't cried this much for a long time. I really loved her. Hubby is burying her in the yard. May she rest in peace and look over her playmates and her broods.
Just to update - My BO was gone around 6pm. We didn't see what happened. But it seems that she either choked on food or her own vomit and suffocated.

I put out a plate of bits of rib-eye steak (raw) and a few small grapes around 5pm to replace the plate of scrambled egg, crumbles feed and cracked corns, which she didn't touch. Both are small plates. I stayed a bit when she tried to pick up a grape but dropped. So I left that. It looked that she ate most of 2nd plate. Not sure what made her to eat because she hadn't eaten on her own since early yesterday.

I felt so much guilt now because I felt my action of syringe feeding and 2nd plate may have caused her death. Wonder if she could've survived this without my intervention. Haven't cried this much for a long time. I really loved her. Hubby is burying her in the yard. May she rest in peace and look over her playmates and her broods.
:hugsI'm very sorry to hear she died.

You did what you could for her. Sometimes they go downhill quickly.

I don't think you did anything wrong. Contents of the crop can easily spill out during the last throws of life making it look like that was the problem.
With her darkened comb and your description, likely she was suffering from organ failure and/or reproductive problems. Without examining the internals, these are only guesses.

They are so easy to love that's for sure. I had a special BO named Lucy that was very dear to me, it was hard to let her go.
:hugsI'm very sorry to hear she died.

You did what you could for her. Sometimes they go downhill quickly.

I don't think you did anything wrong. Contents of the crop can easily spill out during the last throws of life making it look like that was the problem.
With her darkened comb and your description, likely she was suffering from organ failure and/or reproductive problems. Without examining the internals, these are only guesses.

They are so easy to love that's for sure. I had a special BO named Lucy that was very dear to me, it was hard to let her go.
Coco was the name of my BO. We called her by her nick name in Chinese (“The Yellow”). She was very special to me and the flock. I had imagined that she and I would have more years to go. All of this was such a shock and now grief.

Thank you for your support during this time. It means a lot to me!


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I am very sorry for your loss. It is hard to lose a bird you cared for. It is sadly, what we do as lovers of flocks. I am sure you did all you could for her, and showed her a happy, loving life. Prayers your way. 💕

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