Sour crop or egg bound?


Jul 12, 2021
Hello everyone,

My younger sisters red star hen is not doing well. She is extremely lethargic and constantly seems to nod off. Her crop is enlarged and mushy, so I think it may be sour crop. But her rear end seems swollen as well and when I massaged there, it felt like something hard was in there. Her vent is also swollen. She also has not pooped for a while now.

She seemed a bit tired this morning, and when I came home from work, I gave her a more thorough exam, thus leading me to think she may have sour crop.

Any advice would be appreciated as she is only 3 years old and I'm not sure how serious her condition is.

Thank you!
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Does she smell like vomit? If she does then it’s sour crop. To check to see if she is egg bound you can (and I know this sounds gross) stick your finger up her butt to see if you can feel an egg.
Hey! I would try to treat both, the sour crop and the stuck egg.

Tilt your chicken, almost upside down, and massage her crop. She should then vomit, relieving her of the sour crop. Provide extra grit for her to help her digestive system work. Since chickens can't feel nausea and vomit, you need to help them.

Give your hen a warm bath. Then, with vaseline coated on your finger, stick your finger up her vent. Feel around for a rounded mass, the egg. If you feel something pull it out. Also, try your best to prevent an egg from breaking, which can lead to an infection from the yolk. I typically give my chickens "human" antibiotics dosed down to their tiny weights. Also, provide extra oyster shells (or any other calcium supplements). Since calcium deficiency is the biggest cause of stuck eggs.

For both of these treatments, I recommend watching videos, I love Becky's Homestead and reading articles to treat the most efficient way.

I hope this helps. I wish you the best of luck!!!!! Also, best of luck to your beautiful recovering lady!

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