Sour crop treatment?

Well I’m feeling very discouraged and not sure what next steps are....

This evening I noticed in my grow out pen/area one of the young pullets was “sleeping” which was Unusual. Quickly realized she was very sick and removed her from the area. She was lethargic and barely responsive and after just a few minutes died in my hands. Before she passed I noticed she had some fluid leaking from her beak and her crop was filled with fluid.

Now I don’t know what to think! I think this death must be related to my other hen who has sour crop still and maybe some other disease they have picked up?? They weren’t in the same coop/pen but were separated by a fence so I guess still possible me to share virus/etc.

To add to it all, this morning I noticed another hen sounded gurgly so I separated her also.

What’s going on with them all? I don’t even know how to treat them at this point and am worried whatever it is will impact more of the flock:(

So disheartening. That was my first chicken death and very sad to watch.

The original sick bird is still getting the yeast cream (now 3 treatments in), but still full doughy crop and making neck jerking movements.
The gurgling bird I gave garlic water, ACV and some herbs in her feed (originally thinking it was respiratory, but now thinking a symptom of sour crop which must be a symptom of something else). I don’t know how you all do it. The problem solving and guessing treatments is making me crazy!

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