Sour crop

She'll adjust to it. Just keep it on her. The fit should be so the crop is elevated about two inches to start. The point is to support the crop in a slightly higher profile so the contents can reach the crop "drain" which is located, not at the bottom, but about halfway up from the bottom of the crop. It will be sort of like having a plumber go under your house and fiddle with your sewer pipe so a toilet drains better.

In the morning, when you check her crop to see if it's emptied overnight, if it still has stuff in it, that indicates the bra needs to be tightened up to raise it a bit more. Sometimes it takes a few days of this to get it properly fitted.
She'll adjust to it. Just keep it on her. The fit should be so the crop is elevated about two inches to start. The point is to support the crop in a slightly higher profile so the contents can reach the crop "drain" which is located, not at the bottom, but about halfway up from the bottom of the crop. It will be sort of like having a plumber go under your house and fiddle with your sewer pipe so a toilet drains better.

In the morning, when you check her crop to see if it's emptied overnight, if it still has stuff in it, that indicates the bra needs to be tightened up to raise it a bit more. Sometimes it takes a few days of this to get it properly fitted.
Ok thank you!!
First time I put a bra on Roopecca he lost all sense of balance and direction. He flopped and staggered and then sat down. I left him sitting and went in the house. About 90 minutes later I went back. He was fine, strutting and crowing. It happens every single time I put a new one on him. They adjust. It's just an odd feeling to them at first.
Her crop felt empty this morning. I withheld food from her all day yesterday and then gave her some probiotic yogurt with grit. She ate a little bit of that. This morning I put her back in her isolation area where she can’t get the regular feed and gave her some eggs and grit and she ate just a little bit of that. She wants out of her isolation area bad. Our rooster isn’t happy she is in there either. Her crop looks like now it’s just really stretched out. If I took the bra off I think it would look the same and huge but it being empty. Hopefully it will go back over time keeping the bra on.
You are doing great! Yes, she may need the bra for a while. Some chickens need it at night for the rest of their lives, and a few need to wear it all the time so their crop can function. You'll see which of these is your hen's case as time passes.

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