Sour/Impacted crop. Getting confused on treatment!

Well, I guess I messed that up already!
I will start over again today. She had a little yogurt but she looked so good this morning!! She was holding her tail high and had more energy. Her crop felt great. I will check her out tonight and see how she is doing tonight and possibly start over again. You are right! You do feel very sorry for them being secluded away from the flock plus not having food but her crop did feel a whole lot better and she was alot perkier than yesterday.
Thanks for your info and I think like you, I will have to try again but withold the food for a full 24 hrs!

Thanks so much and I am glad your BO's pulled through this so well!!!
I am glad to help. this is a nice place to come if you need help.

I would say go for it if her crop felt good, but just from experience that you should hold off. I learned the hard way as well. She may be just fine and sounds like you caught it early, just check on her often and see how it is feeling. Oh and I also kept the ACV/water mixture with mine for over a week even though they were feeling better. But please don't beat yourself up. She is going to be ok even though she had something solid to eat. This is how we learn, isn't it.

My little BO's are almost 3 months old and they are absolutely beautiful but I am a little biased. LOL

Take care!

Thanks for the encouragement. I am starting over again tonight. Her crop isn't as bad as yesterday but still a little balloon feeling. I am more worried about the way she is acting. She is acting slow & seems tired. She also looks pale. She is definitely not as active as she was before and nothing near like the other leghorns. They are like little speed demons!
None of the others seem to be acting differently, just her. Did yours appear ill like this?
I am hoping it is not something else wrong with her that I am missing. Since I am new I worry that what I think is normal is not & vice versa.
I just got 2 Orpingtons about a month ago and I really like them! They have such sweet personalities and are named Thelma & Louise. Thelma is a Blue & Louise is a splash. Louise will be 15 weeks & Thelma will be 19 weeks on Saturday. I love the sound they make too!
Almost like a honking sound. They are starting to get spoiled too!! They will follow me around for treats and they come look for me when they are ready for bed because I have to lift them up on the perch. I have a ladder going up to the perch but they stand near the top and won't even try to get on the perch and will wait there until I lift them up!
You will have to post pics of your little ones! I really think the Orps are gorgeous and so soft!!
But I will do my best to withhold food for 24 hours!
This is a great place to come for information. I learned everything about my chickens on here and I am sure there will be a ton more questions I will come up with as mine grow!!!


Mine did act sickly and were also pale. The remedy for that is the vitamins and electrolytes in the water. Mine were also pale and the vet told me to add the vitamins to the water. I waited til after I got the sour crop straight I still add the vitamins to the water just not everyday. Sounds like you are doing everything like I did (even feeding to early
, but that is ok) Start the yogurt tonite and the scrambled egg tomorrow. Plain yogurt and plain egg. These are easy to digest for them. Then after the eggs then maybe wait a day and then start the vitamins in the water. If you don't have any your livestock store or whereever you buy your food from will have it. It goes inside the water. Teaspoon in plastic gallon waterer. I would still keep her inside untill she is fully well.

I have one White Leghorn that I traded a MEAN RIR rooster for. She is very skittish but very reliable in the egg department. And you know that she has gone broody on me. I guess she saw everyone else doing it she figures she needed to hatch also. Oh and she has gotten herself under the one coop right smack in the middle and I can't reach her, I did however have to use a rake and pull some of the eggs out. She had a mountain underneath her and I pulled 11 eggs and I beleive she still has 6 left. Apparantly she herself had been laying her eggs for several weeks under the coop and she is brooding her own eggs. I candled all of the 11 I took out from under and 9 were viable and 2 were not. I just hope she has some that she is setting on are developing. Still have 3 other broodies inside the coop.

Oh my! What a difference a day makes!!! She was even so much better today, even with given her some food yesterday morning!!! She was up and waiting for me to come get her. Her poops were normal and her crop was totally empty!!! I could still feel a little of the balloon type feeling last night and also some hard things in there as well, but this morning everything was cleared out!!! I did give her a few pieces of bread soaked in the Olive Oil this morning before I left. I figured she probably has irritation in there and this will help coat an allow food to go through easier. I told my daughter to give her some yogurt about noon today and see how that goes and we can go from there but so far so good, things are even better today!!!

Wow!! A broody leghorn!!! That is amazing because they usually don't go broody from what I had seen. You are gonna have tons of babies!!!

I have a broody silkie right now sitting on 2 eggs. I plan to try to candle them over the weekend. This will be my first experience with a broody & having her hatch the chicks!! It is great!!!

Thanks for everything!!!
Oh that is amazing and I am so glad that your girl is doing better. Yeah for that BRAGGS ACV!!

Yep, a broody leghorn. I thought she was sick or something. Kinda scared me when I look out my bedroom window and see this white chicken walking around esp when I lock them up at night in the coops. When I got outside I was shocked to see that it was Jill (leghorn) and wondered how I missed her in the head count the night before. Well throughout the day I did not see her anywhere and was afraid she was lost or hurt and then here she pops out from under the coop. I get on my hands and knees and see this HUGE mound of eggs under there and say no way is she setting. Well she climbed back under and sat on the eggs. Totally shocked me.

I also have a Red Star that went broody last summer and hatched out 3 babies and they don't normally go broody either, but I named her Momma and she totally rocks because she is broody now.

I think Slikies are beautiful, but don't have any!

Congrats to you on getting your girl straight.
I just wanted to update you and tell you she is still doing good tonight. I will have to keep a close eye on her the next few days. You will have to send me some pics of those little chicks when they hatch!

Here she is tonight! Ou and about like normal and acting like I am an evil monster again! LOL
Last night I was her best friend!

She is absolutely gorgeous! My poor Jill looks kinda hagard right now. From the roosters lovin and now being broody. Her little comb is still nice and red but it is flopped over. It was standing straight up before she wanted to hatch out some babies. Now the real question is which rooster is the daddy. I have a Delaware named Jack and a RIR/Red Star named JJ.

Oh and I counted 9 eggs under her last nite. She came out and I got on my hands and knees again to look to see and she must have had 3 buried somewhere. Now I just bet that she hatches all 9 (there could even be more). I usually only let them set on 2 to 3 because I have had like 8 broody hens and then 4 now. OH MY GOSH!

Oh and I will send you some pictures once they hatch cause we have to round them up and put them somewhere safe instead of under the coop.,
Wow! That's alot of broodies!!!
I wonder what kind of Mom your leghorn will be?? If they usually don't go broody, do they make good moms????
My little girl is doing great! Back to normal again. I put ACV in all the waterers now as a kind of preventive for all of my flock. I don't put as much in as when she had the sour crop though. I kind of did a test and only put it in one waterer yesterday and can you believe that was the least full??? They seemed to have liked the taste of it over plain water. I thought they wouldn't like it too much.
But yes, please send me pics!!!
Do you have any idea when they will hatch? My 2 little silkie eggs should hatch around September 10th. I am going to try to candle them this weekend.
I have seen my Jill come out and she clucks and pecks around. She actually seems to stand up to the others more than before. I had a Red Star (they don't normally go broody either) who went broody last year (and is also broody now) She was a very excellent Momma. So I hope Jill will be a good Mom to. I have to move her with the babies when they hatch so they can be safe. I just hope I can catch her. My most aggressive momma hen is the White Jersey Giant. Man she has drawn blood on me before, but this last one seems the most aggressive. lol. She must have something to prove.

Gosh I have a hard time keeping my hands off the eggs. I like to candle every couple days. lol

Wow glad the others liked the ACV/water. It is a good thing to do maybe like once a week or every couple weeks to help boost them up. I also use the vitamins and electrolytes in the water several days a week.

Please let me know how your eggs are doing. Would love to see. YOu know the sad thing is is that I don't know when Jill's eggs should hatch out. lol


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