Sourland in trouble

Here's a riddle for ya. Grown kinda fond of it over the years........Pop

"If a man speaks in the woods and there's nobody else around, is he still wrong"?
If the man is my husband, then probably, yes.

He's one of those guys that you can't get a straight answer from to save your life. It's so bad, one of our kids will ask a question, he'll answer it, and they immediately ask me, "Mom, is that right?" I usually just shoot the questioner a "what do you think?" look, the kid says reproachfully, "DAD!!" and DH says, "you don't let me have any fun!"

I have found that the only way to stay sane with an inveterate leg-puller is to have an "ultimate weapon" that can be pulled out when the "humor" gets out of hand. I found mine while DH and I were still dating. It seems that he is ticklish. Very, very ticklish. Funny thing, the kids can't tickle him - but I can. I can tickle him from across the room! I have had that man on the floor, begging for mercy, without having touched him. I just look at my hands, and flex my fingers, and he starts giggling nervously and backing away. Sometimes, the hint isn't enough; even though he can barely speak from laughing, he'll continue teasing. When that happens, I put on a diabolical grin, and move in slowly, hands poised at the ready. He will be so doubled over with laughter that all he can manage will be weak, ineffectual swats at my hands. I try not to get between him and the door at this point, because if there's an exit, he usually will take it with all possible speed. You see, I'm not a cruel person, but a mother bear will protect her young!
"Ultimate weapon" - the Princess has one - the threat of the return of Chuckie. Sourland is afraid of Chuckie.

I'll behave. Promise.
Cruel, very cruel.
Ya think it's a joke, but has he ever showed up in your bed, shower, truck, closet, underwear drawer ----and the list could go on an on??? I burned him up. Yes, after 3 years of torment I burned h im up, and I'm proud of it!!!
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Way back when..... lol my baby sis watched the leprachan by accident... now all I gotta do to make her cry is hold up my hands and say "I'm the leprachan! Rarrr" and she falls to the floor! Needless to say she stays home and calls into work sick on St pattys day! Mwahahahah!
Go on you tube and look up "FPS Russia" that guy is funny and a nut! He's got some legal explosives that he uses. A lilbit goes a LONG way!
You can buy some and stuff lil chuckie full of it and stand back and shoot that sucka with good ole trusty lenore. Or what ever you have named yer riffle.
That thing won't even be lookin like that pic they posted.... there won't be nuthin left to put back together!
If you need help I'm yer guy! I got to blow shish up in Icrackistan! Its FUNNNNN!
Chucky has been gone for 20 years. His reign of torment lasted entirely too long. Inferences were made last Christmas that he might soon be reincarnated. My son has a strange sense of humor - must of inherited that from the Princess. Last year's Christmas present to me was a Beavis bobble head doll who continually yells, "Shut up Butthead. Boiiiiing, and various obscenities every time I jostle the computer desk. I can just squish him, but it took fire to eliminate Chucky.

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