Sourland in trouble

Not quite in the eye, but close enough.

It's June 18, correct? Why is it 65 degrees in NJ? My fingers are cold and the Princess won't let me turn the heat on.
It's freezing here. Had this really soft rain for the past 2 days. Every thing's either muddy or damp or both.The cold really gets into your bones. Don't like it. Am going to turn the heater on soon
It's freezing here. Had this really soft rain for the past 2 days. Every thing's either muddy or damp or both.The cold really gets into your bones. Don't like it. Am going to turn the heater on soon
Yeah, but it's winter there. Isn't it?

Just watched the neatest thing. A female song sparrow was hopping from shrub to shrub around our house - very patiently followed by her mate with a mouthfull of nesting materials. Reminded me of the Princess and sourland when she 'rearranges' the house and I am the resident helper. Guess there isn't all that big difference between the females of all species?
It's cold where you guys are!? This weekend was a record high. We got to around 106 with NO breeze. And it was still 88 degrees at 1 in the morning

Just watched the neatest thing. A female song sparrow was hopping from shrub to shrub around our house - very patiently followed by her mate with a mouthfull of nesting materials. Reminded me of the Princess and sourland when she 'rearranges' the house and I am the resident helper. Guess there isn't all that big difference between the females of all species?

Guess not
Guess not, though I'm usually the one rearranging the nest while DH has his back turned.
We're in the beginning of winter now and it's very cold already. Had heavy, heavy frost last week, which is unusual for this time of the year. Think we may get snow later. Happens once or twice a decade.

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