South Carolina

I'm not looking forward to this weather we've got coming! We canceled our afternoon at work (doctor's office) last Feb when it started snowing at lunchtime. I heard on Friday that at least one of my patients rescheduled her appointment tomorrow for a later date. I hope it's not that bad, rescheduling an entire day is a gigantic headache for everyone. So much for setting up the outside brooder box this weekend...
Looks like it's time to batten down the hatches, huh? I'm just about to get cleaned up and then head out to TSC to see of they have any scratch left. If not, no biggie, they'll do ok without it and we have plenty of regular feed and a bit of BOSS. Might as well pick up cat food while I'm there. Might try to hit a grocery store for an extra loaf of bread (we have one unopened, but if all 4 of us are going to be stuck in the house the next two days. . . ) I guess we can always make some bread if it comes to that. I am dreading the ice that is supposedly coming. DH is supposed to ready the generators. We have an "untested" (by us) one he bought used from govt surplus that he swears will work. I dunno, but I told him I won't be happy if the house is 50 degrees inside while he's out there discovering it won't work.
All of you stay safe and warm!
Hi! I sure hope we ALL dodge the bad weather for the next couple days.
We're stocked, and as ready as we can be --- and hoping we don't need it. I'm wondering why we don't have a generator readied here (we had one, but I don't know where it went).
Good luck!
oh great now its snowin or sleeting or rain freezing all i know is that my deck is getting white. yep then the yard then the drive then the road then.......power line and the trees around it will be loaded with ice then.......lights out we are in the dark. The only thing is that i will be at work and wont be able to play in it.
Hope all you folks upstate are staying warm! Currently cold and wet here in Hollywood, but no pretty white stuff, dang it. DH is staying home a couple hours later since there's ice on some of the roads. The schools are opening 2 hours later.

Just heard a report of heavy sleet on John's Island, it skipped us. We're almost up to freezing, I sure am glad I gave the outside birds some homemade suet cakes yesterday, it'll help them stay warm.

I was going to set up an outside brooder for the 9 big chicks, just as well that I didn't. The worst part is that they are in a little room next to our bedroom - and they are learning to crow! It's quite the chorus at sunrise, pretty funny! Of the 9, 7 are cockerals. They are black and blue mottled bantam Cochins, only one truly frizzled.

I am planning on giving away some of the cockerals, if anyone is interested, send me a PM. They're almost 9 weeks old now.

Stay warm, I'm thinking stew or chili!
7 am and nearly 8 inches on the ground! The horses look like four-legged snow men while the cows are comfy under the shed roof.
Hey you SC folk! Grandma and two uncles live on Johns Island. I'd say sleet is not "normal" out there, lol.

Ranchhand, I'm not in the market for bantams now, but this is exactly the reason I'm reading this thread. My parents live in North Charleston and my aunt lives in Williamston. I think this will make chicken runs more "do-able", don't you?
We have 6" on the ground. And still coming down. My horse is now ticked that I took over the barn for chickens!
The dog seems to love it but the chickens are waiting for me to shovel a path and cul de sac for them!
The ducks look confused but still had their morning fun in the pools DH filled up last night. Of course, getting the sow off was fun.
I haven't let anyone in the shed out yet. I just carried water bottles up there for them and let them have breakfast in bed. They are mad and don't understand yet. Even though they all have windows to look out of their little bird brains can figure out the isolation treatment.

I guess before the sleet and freezing rain hits I better get to making a snowman! DH and DD are still in bed. Geez. My family is no fun at all! I think I may make snow cream for breakfast. That and another cup of coffee should get my motor running more smoothly.

I pray no one's power goes out and we all survive this with warmth and safety. Please watch any tarps, roofs and fences for getting pulled down or torn down by the heavy snow and ice. It ain't over til the fat lady sings and I won't do that til tomorrow morning!

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