South Carolina

Welcome Naturemama! It's a bit overwhelming at first, but I would start on the breeds page if I were you. You can narrow down by type, weather, etc. There are lots of breeds here in SC and also nearby GA and NC.
Have you thought about getting layers, meaties, or dual purpose birds? Best wishes!
Hello from Charleston! We are building a coop and looking to get eggs or chicks in a month or so. I want to get birds local and not from a big box hatchery. Does anyone know where to do this?? We are willing to travel a little bit. We also want to have some variety in our flock,so we want a few of several birds. Any ideas on good breeds for the area. We have a little one, so we are looking for friendly easy going breeds.
There are lots of breeders here . That are willing to help you. I will start up my bator soon.
Well it feels like spring outside so I spent part of the morning with my DD working in the yard. Well, she played actually with the dog and I worked when I was not playing with them but my intentions were to work on a new/old project. Yes, my newest old project is turning the Dorking pen, that was once a guinea pen, and before that a peafowl pen, and before that a pig pen, into a guinea pen again. We have a pen of young guineas that need to be put in a bigger pen:

There are about 60 or so young guineas in this pen--hard to tell. The trick is lots of roosts so they can get away from the dominant males(there are 5 or 6 roosts). So I am trying to move this pen of birds to the old pig/peafowl/guinea/Dorking pen:

Of course to do this I need to put in more roosts and remove the Dorkings. With removing the Dorkings I have to get rid of a few Dorking Roosters. There is just so much involved with moving the residence of one pen to another. I am hoping to incorporate the old guineas in here too as there are about 15 males left after the coyotes got to them last year and only about 8 hens. Yes, lots of roosts will be needed.... DH has said he will put in an automatic water for them! It will actually be kind of fun having them in one place as I can focus my efforts on them then for nesting spots and I also put feeder up in the roosting areas so the less dominant bird can eat. This project makes me think of Jurassic Park 2 and the "Bird Cage". Anyone remember that scene?
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New on here and just found this thread. Wow there's more South Carolinians on here than I thought! Surprised how many are in the low country though. I'm in the Greenville area. Outside of city limits so we can have chickens unless the neighbors complain (so far I'm ok...whew!)
Love the rooftop garden! I am in Columbia and found some sellers here on Craigslist who had Americaunas and Buff Orpingtons, the kinds I want. I need friendly hens and eggs any color but white, so these I hope will fill the bill. Also you can check Farm Market Bulletin online classifieds and contact 4-H people. Good luck!
Hello from Charleston! We are building a coop and looking to get eggs or chicks in a month or so. I want to get birds local and not from a big box hatchery. Does anyone know where to do this?? We are willing to travel a little bit. We also want to have some variety in our flock,so we want a few of several birds. Any ideas on good breeds for the area. We have a little one, so we are looking for friendly easy going breeds.

Welcome Naturemoma! I am in Charleston also. There is a lady on Johns Island who hatches but is not starting back up until March. Also, RedBugPoultry on this thread is a wonderful, kind person (not to mention a wealth of knowledge) who just sold us some Austrolorp and Dominique chicks. If you are interested, PM me and I can tell you more.

Would love to hear more about your Charleston chicken adventures also! :).
Hello from Charleston!  We are building a coop and looking to get eggs or chicks in a month or so.  I want to get birds local and not from a big box hatchery.  Does anyone know where to do this??  We are willing to travel a little bit.  We also want to have some variety in our flock,so we want a few of several birds.  Any ideas on good breeds for the area.  We have a little one, so we are looking for friendly easy going breeds.
With all the sorta normal upstate weather swings at this time of year...half of my chickens are molting again...and the other half have started laying again!
Of course...this will change again tomorrow!!!
I still cannot get enough consistency to offer hatching eggs of any breed yet but I am starting to hatch quite a menagerie...LOL

Above Bourbon Red toms for sale
Welcome to all the new peeps. We are in the upstate, Gray Court. I have a trio of Silver Auburn Turkeys for sale and also 2 burbon red toms. if anyone is looking for turkeys. IN the spring we have coral blue guineas may only hatch if we see s request. I also have D'anvers and a few large fowls. We currently only have partridge wyandotte, but may be getting out of them. Below Silver Aubirn tom and the other picture has the hens.


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