South Carolina

We're in Aiken, SC - I saw someone else in Aiken, too. Hi, all
Aksmama - when you say "black star", do you mean the actual breed black star chickens or are you referring to black sexlinks? I have a friend with a "black star" rooster and there is a certain breed with this name. I would like to find out some information about these chickens - as, of course, now I want some too. I've hatched a couple of chicks but not sure what I will get. Everything I search on the internet just gives me the black sex-link info and they are definately not sexlink birds. Very beautiful, distinct looking birds.

No, mine are sex links. Black Stars are what MMH calls them- that's where we ordered them from last year. Are they mislabeling them as well? Goodness knows there's enough of that out there and I don't want to perpetuate any of that. Not to mention that if there is, someone will come along here on BYC and start taking my head off for calling mine by a "real breed's name"
I had no idea there really was a breed called a Black Star. Hmmm, must research. I'd love more info if you find any.

I may have a cuckoo Marans who is going broody as well. She is thinking long and hard about it, it seems. She has been in the nest box for an awfully long time today and although all of my girls tend to puff up a bit and be growly if they are disturbed in the nest box, this Marans is extra screechy today. I began to suspect her yesterday when she was walking around outside puffing up like a broody, but she'd do it, then stop. . . do it, then stop. Maybe broodiness really is contagious. I told my husband we were either going to have lots of new layers or lots of meat in the freezer. We cannot handle any more roos, we have 2 too many as it is!
Black Stars and Black Sex Links can be considered synonomous. Mcmurray has chose to give their black sex links a name. They are both the result of a rhode based (red) cock over a production barred hen. They are both a cross and would not breed true. There is not a standard breed with the name black star.
Phoneman, what kind of birds were there? I probably should have went. I have never been to a swap. I probably should work with what I have, but my boys would not have let me away without something. I will keep an eye out for one. Also you are not far from me. What do you have? I would like to meet some poultry enthusiasts in the area.
they had a emu chick. and that was something. and had emu eggs. had ee pullet. silver lace wyandotte,golden laced wyandotte,coco marans.i might and a few more/ i had speckeld sussex,blur laced red wyandottes,milli fluer cochins. we had a great time.wish you could have made it. i met some very nice folks.
I have always called all my sex links Stars. I like that name and my first sex links were Black Stars and Red Stars so I continue to call them that. Though it does confuse some folks. I know it is a specific cross of sex links but I do not breed them and they are hybrids anyhow so Stars it is for me.

Isn't it lovely outside without the wind blowing???? I enjoyed doing chores this morning! I could not do squat outside yesterday and on Sundays we do not build or work much. I guess I will try to take a book outside under the shade trees and see what chickens come to join me.
I have internet again! After over three weeks with no internet, the less than helpful folks at AT&T still have not come out to the house... but today it decided to fix itself?

It's been an eventful few weeks. My old hovabator gave up the ghost and surged to 110 degrees one day while I was out. All of the babies were baked, and only three days before they were due to hatch!
I tried to fix it for several days after the disaster, but the temperature in it just won't come back down. Fortunately, my birthday was about a week after, and my family surprised me with a brand new brinsea! As soon as I got the incubator up and running, I put 24 eggs in it, and everything seems to be going well so far. I love the autoturn cradle; it's nice to know that there's no chance of me forgetting to turn the eggs.

Joycats - I might have to get those guinea eggs from you after May 1st, after this batch hatches so I know the new incubator is going to work. I guess I'm glad the hovabator broke when I was incubating for fun and it was filled with mostly mutt eggs!

Also... I have one EVIL Buff Orpington roo who's destined for "freezer camp" by the end of the week.
I've given him more chances than I should have over the past several months, and he has just gotten more aggressive. I refuse to have any more bruises! Does anyone have any good recipes I can try? He's almost two, so I know I'll need to cook him slowly.
I hope everyone's enjoying the beautiful weather! I finally finished my chicken tractor and thought I'd post a couple pics.




Amy (Nadine): I ended up hatching 5 Marans and 1 BLRW from the eggs I got from you. They're so sweet

Thanks so much!
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