South Carolina

Hey everybody!

My Black Star is still sitting- just a little over a week to go before some hatch, hopefully! The Marans quit after a few days. We're not too upset about that, we didn't really plan on adding to the flock this year anyway.

Does/has anyone here used fly predators? I can already tell the flies are going to be bad this year, and not necessarily in the coop, but around it. If fly predators work, I'd like to use them.
So anyone have some friendly guineas? Or eggs? We've been fighting ants since we bought our home four years ago. Stinking buggers! If I have to I put Seven around the coop, but the chickens usually do a good job of keeping them out. We have used chemicals around the outside of our house, under our house and in our house (Guess whose house was invaded by fire ants last year?)

Unless someone has an anteater, I think I'll entertain the idea of using guineas.
I use fly predators at the horse barn...not sure you could use them around chickens (they would be a delightful meal for them). They work great for flies around the barn and I think the carry over helps reduce the number around the coops.

Fire ant control this year...I'm sticking with the guineas...have a friend who sprays for ants tell me guineas are putting him out of business.....

I only have 2 adult guineas...I think I need a couple of I am keeping my ears open for some.
They do send up an alarm if they feel threatened...but I don't hear them or I tune them out with the crowing, braying, barking, spitting and neighing that goes on around here!
Another happy day at the farm!
Gold Griffin Chicken Mom left with a beautiful splash Araucana rooster and a dz hatching eggs. He is a hefty boy but better than in my freezer.
And then some others folks came to buy eggs and got another roo.
Man! I like it when the roos find homes! Ain't that right, Moonchild???
Anyone close have an EE/Ameraucana hen???!?? I need just 1 more, my 2 young'ins aren't old enough for mr EE yet, and only have 1 hen with him. need 1 or 2 more to fill my orders faster.

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