South Carolina

Updating everyone.

My flock is surviving! I have them on the medicated feed and a water mixture of wazine and sulmet. It's been 14 hrs since introducing the medicated water and I'll be darned if the one I feared would die ina matter of hours is now up and pecking and eating and playing with the others!!

I know I'm not out of the woods yet but I have hope!!

Also, treating the older birds as a precaution, Poof the duckling too. I am doing a 2 day treatment for them.
Thanks Nadine. I will do that. On a second note.. A few days ago, I told of the damage to my car from the storms. Well just a little update. Car totaled, $6,600 worth of damage.
Now to bigger and better things. Damage to the house, $6,000 and some change. Now to get a new roof. I hate storms!!!
And another is on the way today. Gee-whiz. I can't catch a break. Why am I complaining so much you ask? This is my spring break from teaching and can't do anything!!!!!!
Waiting on all this to pan out. Give me strength. have a blessed day.

But on a lighter note. No one was hurt, roof is not leaking, and I don't have to put up with complaining from 7th graders for a week. (Silver lining)
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an old way of killing off the ants is Grits. poor on to the mound. they take in and when they eat the grits it swells and kills them. works most the time but not always.
good luck. they;re horrible to deal with.
blessed be )O(
With all this talk of fire ants just have to say..... I JUST GOT BIT BY THE BUGGERS!!!!

They are infesting my horse pastures and compost pile!

I need to find something that is horse safe to use to kill the ants!

Please don't mention Guineas....I HATE THEM! I got attacked by one as a kid!
fire ants are the worst. .. loading hay from the fields and they're in the bales and get allover your hands.. terrible painful buggers..
Ive about got them out of the pasture now, used the grits ( I have foals, didn't want them in the chemicals) now the only place I really notice them is along the fence line. there are for some reason attracted to the excess energy off of the hot wire?
blessed be )O(
Not that I like to use any chemicals on the grass or on the farm but on occasion we finally give in and use something that works quickly. Lowes sells something by Ortho that is good for killing the fire ants. I have those hills all in my pastures, too and this year I am going to try that Ortho stuff. The commercial says you put down a teaspoon on the hill and the workers take it down to the Queen and it kills the whole mound in a few days.
I have tried DE for years, tried Sevin, too. I have hacked, burned, flooded, dug and yelled at those mounds for years. Sick, sick, sick of it!

Now we will see if this stuff is all they say it is. I am tired of seeing fire ant mounds come up in my chicken tractors. My chickens hate them and I can't say the ducks do much to them either. But that doesn't matter, you have to kill the Queen. I wish we could give them some kind of virus like the honey bees got.
I have never lost chicks to them but I had some 4 month olds that I think they got.

On a happier note, me and Miss Joy had a delightful evening at her house yesterday! I got the grand tour and fell in love with way too many of them. the Peacocks are to die for! And they called a few times while I was there. It was fabulous! There were so many wonderful ideas that I am going to try and use. And I brought home one of her roos. A handsome SLW. He is a bit confused to be in that big pen all by himself with no girls but I promised him tomorrow he will have 12 to service. He says he is really up to the job!
Yes! They are attracted to the electricity. We have a solar fence charger in the front pasture and they are forever mounding under it! We have them all along the fence lines, too, where our electric fence runs. We do not have them on the back pasture fence line because we do not have electric fence there.
I have seen them in and around those big green transformers that sit on the ground, too.

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