South Ga Swap Meet MAY 14TH

Anyone that is looking for silkies. All of my silkies are and or from top exhibition stock and NO hatchery birds at all...

PM me on requests........

Color and Quality and the price range you are looking for.

I have a friend looking for a trio of PQ White Houdans. Does anyone have any or know where she could get some? most hatcheries sell mottled or are sold out for the year.

Well it turns out I will not be able to attend... Have a birthday I have to go to... If not, there will be a very upset little boy..... Sorry Everyone.....
I forgot to post that I am willing to take a trade for the two sussex that I'll be bringing. I really need a travel case if anyone is going to be selling those. I also need legbands if anyone has those. I could always post my wish list LOL.
Yes, post what you are looking for and someone may have them to bring. So sorry signature farms can't come. Maybe next time. May be a good thing since I would have been too tempted by your silkies!
I have declared to only sell, not buy this weekend! Of course I also said I wasn't going to hatch anything else too! I will have some wire cages for sale on Sat. Can take orders for different sizes also.
May have some Heritage RIR hatching eggs too.
Is your friend that's bringing turkeys also bringing eggs????

What I'm bringing:
7 mixed LF cockerals, hatched 3/17
2 Dominque cockerals, hatched 3/17
1 EE cockeral, hatched 2/25
1 SLW/Wels cockeral, hatched 2/25
5 BR chicks, h 4/20

Also have 3 LF Ancona pullets(hatched 3/16), want to trade for any LF breed white egg pullets

Looking for:
Turkey eggs(blue state wanted)
Cayuga eggs/ducklings
PQ white houdans
Blue egg EEs, I have green (still chicks)

I'm going to try and bring a few cages as well

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