Southern 101---Explanation of all things Southern

australorpchick wrote:
When I first moved to Texas from California, a coworker mentioned how she had setup a pallet for her daughter to sleep on. I mentioned something like, "Wow, isn't that uncomfortable. Couldn't you have just put down a sleepingbag or something?" Needless to say, I never lived that one down.

, Now that is so funny!!!
I may have to tease ya from time to time myself
I live here in the south and I honestly can't even remember the last time I saw someone with rotten teeth.

We can't even get rid of yankees swarming like bees down here...I guess rotten teeth are in then.
now where I live in Pa is considered part of Appalachian mountains but here you can tell what part of the state someone is from by accents and how they talk. My great grantfather was Pa Dutch, thats a whole nother kind of german. You have the lancaster / amish accent. The coal crackers and how they talk, the Philly coup of kaffee. And yes, theres a lot of missing a few teeth, sleevless t shirt and boot wearin, chew spittin, old truck drivin good ole boys here too. Oh to find a real man

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ams3651 wrote:
any one watch the special on 20/20 I think a while back on people in Appalachia and how Mt Dew actually targeted the area and gave out free soda and even babies are given it in their bottles and its why so many people have rotten teeth.

In KY Now now...
I have all my teeth, so does all my family. I don't care for Mountain Dew, I will drink it ,if it is the only thing served at a gathering.
I do not like to give young un's any coke, it is terrible for your teeth (any kind). My son is 16, has had one cavity, and the dentist said it was unpreventable because he had a deep buckle in that molar.
he has pretty chompers, heck he is a gourgeous kid ( out George Clooney). Oh yeah George Clooney is from Kentucky, and The Judds .. as matter of a fact Naiomi Judds brother used to pastor a local church here fer years. They all have purdy teeth. Anyway y'all brush your teeth and don't forget the floss ( ahh...I love to floss, it's like a gum massage ), I think I will go floss now........
Once you drink Shiner, you never go back

better than the beast? Does it come in a can?

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Wow! Everyone seems interested in the Southern vernacular. When I was younger we called soft drinks (ie Coca Cola) "Dopes." The original Coca Cola drink was susposed to contain Cocaine.
yustacud = use to could or for better grammar, use to be able to

in the south to get into the real accent, there are never any one sylabol (spelling???) words.

like my name is Beth- but to hear someone out in the country say it, it would be Bay-uth.
oil-- o-iyul

and some that I have been picked on about:
frog- frawg

and I know a lot of you have probably heard,
over yonder
down ner--down there
ove-er- over there
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Well as a native GA girl, I need to weigh in on this one. First of all, Texas can be southern but it also has some other influences that take it out of all things southern. Since Dr. Pepper is native to Texas, like coke to GA......well, you get it.

I went to SMU in Dallas and was out my first week and the guy says to the waitress, "two curs please, mah throuts as dry as the Sahara desert." I just looked at the waitress, and she winked at me and said "Coors." Oh!

The other term that we use that drives people crazy is "fixing to" as in "I am fixing to go to town."

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