Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

I will try to get some pics going soon! Thus is how the first batch reacted to the camera:
JerseyHen, Oh my, cuteness overload! Eeee! They are too adorable! Don't those two dark babies coming RIGHT up to the camera look a little... well.... skeptical?
The white cuties with the wild poofy hair-dos are so cute! They all look healthy and happy.

Mags, it sounds like you've had a bumpy year. May your days bring further healing
with each snuggled new chickie. Hey, chicken therapy works! I'm wishing you strength and peace, and lots of feather-y joy.

Mags, you've got Swedish Flower Hen eggs brooding under a Silkie Mama? Oh wow, SFHs are fascinating! I can't wait to hear all about yours and what you think of them! Are any of your Silkies cuddly, by the way? Someone mentioned that Silkies make a different sound, like "bip, bip, bip." Is that true?
I will try to get some pics going soon! Thus is how the first batch reacted to the camera:
oh my i
am seeing polish peeps. LOVE the polish but wow re they crazy birds. lol mine got onto all konds of adventures. I've often thoght about writing a short story on my polish hen named "Dinner". One of my first birds.
JerseyHen, Oh my, cuteness overload! Eeee! They are too adorable! Don't those two dark babies coming RIGHT up to the camera look a little... well.... skeptical?
The white cuties with the wild poofy hair-dos are so cute! They all look healthy and happy.

Mags, it sounds like you've had a bumpy year. May your days bring further healing
with each snuggled new chickie. Hey, chicken therapy works! I'm wishing you strength and peace, and lots of feather-y joy.

Mags, you've got Swedish Flower Hen eggs brooding under a Silkie Mama? Oh wow, SFHs are fascinating! I can't wait to hear all about yours and what you think of them! Are any of your Silkies cuddly, by the way? Someone mentioned that Silkies make a different sound, like "bip, bip, bip." Is that true?
Yes, Silkies Do make a different sound. They talk to you, in a little beep beep beep type of sound. If I show them treats in my hand, they beep at me and each other furiously. Very sweet. I have 3 silkies and a showgirl, the Showgirl is rather flakey and doesn't like to be held, but the silkies are pretty snuggly, they lay their heads in my hand and beep at me. Love my silkies. If any of them is a roo, I dont care. They are ALL staying.
Oh my gosh Rosie, no wonder people love silkies!
silkies are a "class unto themselves".

they make you smile and laugh even when they aren't trying. Their contented soft pips as they forage and grumble at each other is one of the sweetest sounds. They are always "talking or whispering" in their secret language
Folks sometimes say they aren't good layers. Mine are and have always been great layers unless they are broody. Rest assured they do go eventually go broody so beware of that and be happy with it.LOL
silkies are a "class unto themselves".

they make you smile and laugh even when they aren't trying. Their contented soft pips as they forage and grumble at each other is one of the sweetest sounds. They are always "talking or whispering" in their secret language
Folks sometimes say they aren't good layers. Mine are and have always been great layers unless they are broody. Rest assured they do go eventually go broody so beware of that and be happy with it.LOL
I think that's how everyone winds up with tons of chickens. They get eggs to make their silkies happy.

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