Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Carolyn, sorry you are in such pain. If I can ever come and help with the chickens or garden please just ask .
Hugs to you.
Thank you for the good wishes, Queenchick. Seems I'm fine for five or six days in a row and then I'm slammed again. I was fine for the past few days; finally finished the barrier netting/fence needed to allow Roberta/ChickenFairy/godmother to bring me the two hens she's been raising for me. Got them on Wednesday. They are BEAUTIFUL frizzles. One black and one white. But today I'm crippled with pain and am laid out in the recliner with ice packs under both thighs, and one ice wrap is velcroed around my left upper arm and I'm holding another with two hands. What a bummer. But, there's a zillion tv shows and kindle books to fill up the next few hours. And by late afternoon all the aches and pains will be almost completely gone and I'll have my life back. Bought about a dozen plants for the flower garden yesterday and I THOUGHT I'd plant them into the beds today, but I better wait til tomorrow. C'est la vie. Hip, hip, hooray for prednisone and ice packs. ...and for friends wishing you well. Thanks!
Hi Carolyn

I just want to introduce myself and say hello.

We are neighbors!!

I bought a house a couple months back 2 blocks north of Atlantic Ave

I am trying to get a few showgirls from Roberta to start off, I am going to PM her to see if there is an update.

So if you ever need any help, I am probably like 5 minutes from you

I got a pretty good green thumb too, I just planted some hostas, bleeding hearts, fox gloves and some canna lilies.

I hope you are feeling better
So yesterday I adopted/rescued 2 older hens. I'm unsure of their ages. I was told they're on the younger side. One is a white leghorn and one is RIR . I have 6 (6) week old pullets in the coop and today adopted a 12 week old Easter egger from a fellow BYC member. The RIR gets along with the white leghorn from her own farm. They lived together but with a million more chickens. She is MEAN!!!! She's attacking everyone in a dominant way. I'm not liking her attitude. I know it's only been a day and the whole pecking order thing but she's giving me a bad vibe. What should I do????
I haven't tried this... But I've heard that the general advice is to isolate new chickens, for health reasons, and introduce them to their new flock gradually.
So yesterday I adopted/rescued 2 older hens. I'm unsure of their ages. I was told they're on the younger side. One is a white leghorn and one is RIR . I have 6 (6) week old pullets in the coop and today adopted a 12 week old Easter egger from a fellow BYC member. The RIR gets along with the white leghorn from her own farm. They lived together but with a million more chickens. She is MEAN!!!! She's attacking everyone in a dominant way. I'm not liking her attitude. I know it's only been a day and the whole pecking order thing but she's giving me a bad vibe. What should I do????
Welcome to the thread and to chickendom!

They really should be in quarantine for several weeks to be sure they don't have anything contagious, but as that horse has left the barn, you can put her in a crate in the coop so that everyone can interact, but so she cannot attack anyone. After a week or so like this try letting her out to interact and see how she behaves. Odds are that she will still peck at them since she is much older and sees her chance at being head hen. The other option is to get a rooster. Generally, they keep the peace in the coop and prevent a head hen from being overly aggressive toward the other hens. The only other option is to let her exert herself and when all the other pullets learn to avoid her things should calm down (and hope for not too much bloodshed in the mean time). Then again, I have had some outright nasty hens that had to be removed from the flock. I hope you don't have one of those.
Morning all,
Welcome barn mom. I agree with Jersey hen. Good luck with your new girls. Keep careful watch for any signs of illness.
Hope everyone left their winter clothes out. Our new seasons are Rain, Heat, Wind and Snow. This is really crazy.
Pip and Christina are your currants taking root? Mine were doing fine until yesterday when my 50 pound sulcata decided to have them for lunch. Because of the new. Fence I put up for the chickens he is being driven nuts as far as roaming the back yard as he has done in the past.
Did I know you had a tortoise? That is soooo neat! My currant is a bit droopy, but it is still alive, so I am hopeful.

I just planted another cherry tree and a granny smith apple. I have one more cherry to get in and the goji berry from a friend and the additional currants I am picking up this week. It will be a plant wonderland here soon. So much fun. I also still have a pile of seeds to get in the ground. I am approaching the toss it all in the dirt and see what comes up point. There is just not enough time in the day.

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