Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

In non-chicken related bird news, my daughter Jane spotted a Killdeer nest in the beach club parking lot. Can you see the 4 eggs? This has to be the bird with the worst evolutionary instincts.

We had to try to help them out a little bit so we circled the nest with bits of brick. The funny thing is when the female came back to sit on the eggs you could hardly see her. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Suzanne put the eggs in her incubator - other than someone going to jail naturally.
They are sure very well camoflauged.(spelling) lol
What a wash out weekend here. Today rain earlier.....spotty sunshine but humid as all  heck. Made the dh put in the bedroom AC as I can't sleep in the heat.

Happy Memorial Day everyone! 

I am sendiong out a big thank you to all our veterans past and present.....those now serving or planning on it..... and their families who worry so much about them.

Yes, thank you to all those who serve to keep our country free. Thank you, thank you.
Yes, thank you to all those who serve to keep our country free. Thank you, thank you.
Another off topic but hey.......I feel badly that the weekend is so rainy here. We have Fleet Week going on and the big ships are here..... at time we have been able to "adopt sailors" in port for this weekend in show them a taste of home in the past for a little BBQ and such. Let them call home from our home phones etc.
Met some wonderful young people over the years. I imagined my own being so far from home and needing some tlc. Especially after their 6 month tours out to sea and longer. Speaking with young men and women in the Navy enlightened me to their daily lives. It AIN'T easy. None of it is...........I am so thankfull for their service. Mine did his 6 years and came home to us. I am super thankful.......
This handbag picture .......which is a cross over type has "LICHICKS" name on it. She doesn't even know that yet.LOL

I buy designer fabrics....line them and make 100% cotton ..lined of a kind bags. Use it long or short by simpy tying/knoting the straps where you like to be comfortable. Machine washable cold water and hang tp dry. Iron if you feel it's necessary. I carry my bali batic fabric bag everywhere and get many compliments. :)This purse has a black back ground and a colorful rooster tossed fabric.

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