Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Hi all...happy to report that following the worst moult ever, the freeze, and the winter dark, my 17 layers are giving 4-6 eggs daily. Whew, thought we were going to live on one a day. :) Wondering if anyone would like to adopt our Silver La ed Wyandotte Roo JELLY. He was born in early Sept. and found his voice the other day. We are all heartbroken but must find him a caring roosters allowed in NYC (Bronx), especially since he puckered up and let it go! I am willing to drive to meet you with in an hour or two, or three. Just want him happy and cared for. Thank all.
Hi all...happy to report that following the worst moult ever, the freeze, and the winter dark, my 17 layers are giving 4-6 eggs daily. Whew, thought we were going to live on one a day. :) Wondering if anyone would like to adopt our Silver La ed Wyandotte Roo JELLY. He was born in early Sept. and found his voice the other day. We are all heartbroken but must find him a caring roosters allowed in NYC (Bronx), especially since he puckered up and let it go! I am willing to drive to meet you with in an hour or two, or three. Just want him happy and cared for. Thank all.
Wow thats quite a few chickens for the Bronx. Sorry to hear you have to get rid of your rooster
Hi guys, sorry I was so absent. I have no free time these days. I did get three hens, but so far that's it. I am focusing on building a garden for next year - in between fixing and repairing and building and driving to sports and just generally getting on. The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo started Friday; the poultry shows are next weekend. I hope I can get in to see them. There's an empty spot or two in the coop for a silkie or maybe a cream legbar, maybe i'll be able to find one there. It's a real switch to me to be within five minutes driving distance from a Tractor Supply and two independent feed stores. I've certainly missed all of you though, and I'm going to keep the idea of getting to the NE Poultry conference on my dream list. Some day! I'm within driving distance of Port Aransas now though, so that might be my new field trip plan. Have to see those Whooping Cranes just once!

Christine I hope you feel better. Prednisone and I don't get along so well, be good to yourself.

I am so envious of those who we.t to the congree. Guess its on my bucket list. And so loving the stretch to include weaving, crocheting, etc. Boy, does my heart good to know others are crafting along in the same boat!
Heather! So glad to hear things are going well and you are as active and busy as usual. I hope you had a wonderful holiday.

Carol, Pip (and Rich who is now part of the chicken gang of little red hens whether he wants to be or not), Loretta, and Misty, it was so nice to see everyone yesterday! I really enjoyed that seed store. It was hard to restrain myself. We should make an annual thing out of that trip and a seed swap! Maybe in fall we should have a produce swap.... not that i am counting my squash before it sets fruit, but if all of this comes up (even if 1/2 of it comes up) I will be chin deep in squash and pumpkins.
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Well here we go again...getting good and fed up with this weather.

Pip (andRich) it was great to meet you.

Christina , as usual it was great seeing you. Was that see place amazing...already on my calendar as a annual trip.
Made the ferry with not even a minute to spare.
That Wheaton old English is one nasty Little thing.. Can't wait to see what happens when she is put with the rest of the flock.

Hello Heather, glad to hear things are going great.

Welcome Sherrilk.. Good luck with the roo.

I'll get photos from the show and put them on soon. Loretta took tons.
Be safe everyone
They have their annual spring heirloom festival on May 25th from 10 - 6. I am going. It is the weekend after the sussex show (May 17). Comstock also has a fall festival on October 5th. I will probably go to that one too, unless it conflicts with the sussex show or the fall festivals up here.

Carol, glad you made the ferry! BTW, do the easy peasies need to be trellised? I am working on my early spring garden and am working out where to put them. That is a big bag o' peas!!!

This thread has been soooooo slooooooow the past few months. I hope everyone is ok. Is Al still on here?

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