Southern Sweet Tea

Pretty much the same here, except we usually put the bags in the pot and let it sit until it starts to boil. We used to use 2 of the tea bags, but recently switched to mixing it with either one small, or two small (depends on how many we feel like putting in there) green tea bags instead of the second large bag. Doesn't change the taste really, and is better for you, if you like it a little sweeter too than the honey flavored green tea works well.
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I'm enjoying a hot cup right now!

I think someone else already said that tea shouldn’t be steeped for more than five minutes. For stronger tea you could go 8 minutes. With Red Rose I don't get as much bitterness when steeped longer. I don’t heat water in aluminum pots and I don’t pour hot water into plastic pitchers. I also use Splenda instead of sugar because I’m diabetic.

We grew up drinking tea, hot and cold. My fav HOT is Darjeeling from Bigelow but there seems to be inconsistency from box to box. English Breakfast is good too. I splurged on the P&G Tips and didn’t find it any better than Red Rose.

For flavored tea Constant Comment by Bigelow is really good and it makes a wonderful iced tea, too. It has a orange peel-spice flavor. We serve it cold for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Twinnings used to have a great Jasmine tea but now all I find is Jasmine Green Tea...not the same.

My favorite instant tea is Nestea, to me it has much more flavor than Lipton.

.....sorry for the long post....
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I love Stash tea also, Terrie! The Lemon Ginger is the absolute tea to sip on a cold winter's night with a little honey. It's also my go-to tea when I have a chest cold or flu.

Don't you love all the opinions on making iced tea? Almost as good as the cornbread "wars" that can rage on cooking forums! LOL! I love it! For 60 plus years my mom has made iced tea almost every single day of her life because that is what my dad wanted with his meals. What dedication!
Twinnings once had lychee tea. If I'd known I'd never find it again, I would have gotten a bank loan and bought out the store. I miss the jasmine too.

But back to the original thread, I have made tea that was great one day and awful the next. I dunno.
Maybe the pot or pitcher wasn't clean enough and some foul bacteria must it up. or some bacteria must my sinuses up, and I just think it's nasty. I suggest getting someone else to try it. If they die, throw it out.
We drink so much that I use the lipton cold brew...pretty quick and you dont have to wait for it to cool or melt all your ice if you need it asap...a life saver when you have five people waiting for a second glass during dinner..

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