Southren winters


In the Brooder
Jun 11, 2015
when to keep chickens in the coop, during the winter in the south? I know there are no bugs to eat and the grass is dead, so should I keep them in fenced area and feed them scratch it?
when to keep chickens in the coop, during the winter in the south? I know there are no bugs to eat and the grass is dead, so should I keep them in fenced area and feed them scratch it?
Does that mean that you don't usually give them any feed at all?

They should have a balanced chicken feed no matter where they are kept.
oh, no I keep them laying pellets and scratch it feed full in the coop, I just don't think they are feeding enough to go through the trouble of letting them out to free range.
If you have plenty of room in your coop and run, I see no problem of allowing your chickens to stay inside. But, remember, as mentioned, to provide your birds a balanced diet since your birds can't forage on their own. However, if you notice your birds picking on each other to the point of causing trauma, I would suggest you allow your birds to continue to free range.
Let them out. It makes for much happier chickens, if they are out and free to do what they want to do, instead of being trapped in the coop. They can get kinda crappy when cooped up, and may start to pick at each other.
I think I'll just throw feed around on the ground for a few more months till it gets freezing cold here. Thanks all
I've always fed in coop...but always thrown scratch in run outside even in winter with snow on the ground, unless the snow's too deep.

How far south are you?
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bottom of Arkansas, Yeah I let them out everyday but I was worried they weren't getting enough food, but I'll start throwing feed around on the ground.

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