Southwest Ohio

Plan on making it. will have alot of peafowl . lots of colors and pattern. Anyone wanting a color or pattern, or a breeder, let me know will bring it to the swap.
Oh! I moved back to Cincinnati just in time for the swap meet! September 19th, right? That's payday weekend for me!

Guess I need to put a rush on husband's coop building, I have a spot already, inside the shed. Just need to get him to build a house inside the shed and a run outside of the back door that's already there. Should be a simple weekend project for him.

I'm looking for POL girls. No boys at this time. Standard sized, healthy, egg layers. Breed and color don't matter. Hope someone has some at the swap!

Just in time to winter them. Oh well.

I saw two hens in my neighbors front yard. I won't be the only one! Need to go introduce myself and ask if she's had any issues with chicken keeping on this street.
HI there,
we are in elmore ohio and have been with chickens for about 2 years now, and we just love them! Looking to add some buckeyes and a bantam roo if we can find any.

WE have RIR roo and hen, barred rock, white java, comets, black australorps, golden laced wyandottes, and 2 banty hens that we dont know what kind they are but boy are they pretty. Did have delawares which we loved, and silkies which we loved but the RIR roo loved too much and almost squashed so they are living with another family that they are entertaining.
Hello Ohioans! I am located in Seaman, about 1.5 hrs east of cincinnati. I have 17 silkies, 4 red sex links, 1 NH red, and one cochin rooster banty. I am still looking around for some more silkie, so I will be adding to the numbers!
I will have some for sale at the nationals if you want to look me up!!
Oh and
Also there is a SWO poultry club that is getting ready to start back up for the winter months (seems we slow down in the summer). Anyway, if you can ever manage the drive to the Waynesville area it would be great to have you for the meetings, or a meeting, or whatever you can do. One way or another the membership is free and the web site link is:
to see you at the meetings or on the site! Welcome!
ok, here are some pics of my bantam hens they are about 7 months old now. Does anyone know what breed they are? We bought them from TSC during chick days... the kids just HAD to have them. THey are friendly and very very very broody!






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