

10 Years
Jul 25, 2009
Darnell, Louisiana
Are soybeans toxic to chickens. I've read they have to be boiled, baked, somehow cooked to get toxins out...Is this true? I've had farmers tell me they scoop up excess soybeans and feed them to chickens, cows, pigs...whatever, and no adverse effects. My pa-in-law is convinced they will not hurt my chickens...but I want lots of info before I let them have anything. I've worked TOO hard putting together a flock for them to be wiped out by something like poisoning.
Your OPINION that both corn and soybeans are "crap" can not be supported in the litrrature of livestock nutrition.

I do not care what you eat or what you feed your birds. That is your choice. I do care that accurate information is used, though.
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There are, what are called, anti-nutrients in raw soybeans. They may not be "toxic" but they interfere with digestion.

Usually, soymeal is used in livestock feed. But, you are talking about soybeans that have not been processed for oil - so, fullfat soybeans.

Here is some information on feeding fullfat soybeans to livestock: University of Georgia, Poultry Science.. And, here is a quote, "If fullfat soybeans are not previously subjected to some form of heat treatment, their nutritive value is relatively low. Furthermore, raw fullfat soybeans may adversely influence animal health if fed."

Thank you digitS'. I went to that website, lots of great info there. It says I can boil the soybeans in water anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours then let them dry. I can handle that.
Got a couple fish cookers and butane tanks, so shouldn't take long. Again, thanks.
Before you use soy, google "Soy Dangers" Although it mainly deals with the humans, I will not give soy products to the birds. The only soy stuff I eat is the fermented kind, but even then not much. I do not like the taste or smell of it.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

I do NOT share tis view. I use soy as an efficient, nutritious, cost effective ingredient in the livestock feeds I design for both commercial and hobby farmers.

Dr. Smith

I'm with you. It wasn't too long ago that Soy was going to save the world. Now some of the same sources say it's going to kill us all. Asians have used Soy as a protein source for generations & they seem to be doing ok.
Personally I love Tofu, Edamame & toasted Soybeans & I eat them regularly.​
The entire problem with soybeans, were they were the first GMO crop, making organic/heriloom EXTREMELY hard to find. It also contains an anti nutrient WHICH CAN NOT BE SOAKED OUT that inhibits hormones, particularly the pituitary gland hormones (can anyone say hypothyroidism?) I WILL NOT FEED any of it to any animals except my female rats. Because oddly enough, it prevents mammary tumors, but look at how scientifically grown even those have become.

Its NOT nutritious and yes, cost efficient because its a crap filler just like corn.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Your OPINION that both corn and soybeans are "crap" can not be supported in the litrrature of livestock nutrition.

Theres also little info out there, in consideration to other animals, considering that the biggest supporter of the corn and soy industry is livestock.

Its not opinion necessarily, all that is fact.​

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