Spanking Children - Discipline or Abuse? Tough Love? Picture added

As I am reading this post I am thinking "I have never met a kid who at some point in his or her childhood who did not deserve a good spanking" and then I get to the picture and almost fell out of my chair! That was great. Oh and I was spanked as a child, I lived, I turned out OK and I still love my parents more than anyone else!
I am going to address my reply from the point of view of someone who has never had children but has had to deal with others children.

1. I have actually been physically threaten by teenagers when asking them to turn down their stereos. I am 6ft 250 pound healthy male, I could literally break the child's neck, and really want to, my question is , are the parents the ones that have told them that they are safe, that they can act and say anything they please because, no matter what they do (though this does not apply to the police anymore) they will be found innocent and the person that touched them will go to jail, which of course is why they act the way they do. When I hear about them being found dead , part of me understands.

2. Why is it that , today the court systems will try 14 year olds as adults, when they feel the crime is bad enough, but yet have a problem with spanking? Maybe if the child was spanked (not beaten, if you leave black and blue you should probably turn it down a notch), they wouldn't end up in jail, ever think of that.

I am becoming a firm believer in anarchy , survival of the fittest, I might not make it but I would sure enjoy myself for a while.
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I think some people got fired up by the topic and never bothered to read the whole post or look at the picture!

Anyhoo, very funny! I have no kids of my own but I wish I could have done that to the annoying neighbor kid who bugged me and the chickens all last summer!
I have saved the pic and sending it to dear daughter...LOL..she is having a time with a 4 year old!!!.....I said
With my middle one I used to think it would be easier to just spank her when she got up in the morning and get it over with because it was going to happen at some point before lunch any way, TOH. LOL
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It I spanked my kids, it was pretty wimpy but they got the point and grew up to be awesome adults.

Great Joke Nifty. Thank you for sharing!
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When I first decided to read this thread, I was thinking "here we go - this is going to be a MAJOR debate." The further I read, the more intrigued I became and then when I got to the picture I nearly wet pants laughing so hard.

I loved it - I wish that I could forward this to my sister - the little boy kind of looks like my nephews. Thanks so much for the funny bone tickle.
This is good. I will definitely show this post to my kids tonight, and scroll down very slooooowly...

BTW I also "read/thought" that this post would have been about spanking chickens.

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