Spanking Children - Discipline or Abuse? Tough Love? Picture added

And if they are really bad add a little Wesson oil before the trip!LOL!

I say spare the rod, spoil the child but I don't believe in abuse!
That Picture is histerical!!! I love it.
But Honeslty If every parent in america did that to their child, how would the world turn out?!!!lol

And a 16 year old would probaly think that would be fun. But I would not show that to them. Then they will get some sort of smart idea.

But Honestly Mom!! How could you spank a chicken?? I wonder if it would help with cranky roosters
You are so wierd.
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When my son was young.....he hated bath time so I just always said if you do not listen to your mother your going to take a bath!!...worked everytime
*nifty - just thought I'd let you know what a hoot this was in my home*
I showed this to my 2 sons last night (16 & 12) they LOVED it and wanted me to print them a copy so they take it school and show their friends. Thanks again for giving us a good laugh.
I have to say I was ignoring this topic thinking it was a serious discussion on child rearing, which I'm not interested in cause my kids are grown.

I'm glad I finally clicked on!

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