Sparrow Ministries - 01-06-2012 Cleaning room done!


Despite the loss of the new flock of young chicks the 1 yr old layers are producing well. 51 eggs yesterday Praise the Lord!

This month we will be able to supply 23 dozen eggs to nearby church food program and still give out nearly 80 - 100 dozen eggs in our community.

God has provided in a mighty way and we are thankful.

We were given a through the wall heating and cooling unit that we installed in the cleaning/bible study room yesterday. Still need to do some wiring but the hard part is done.

Praise the Lord!
Mike, I have two orders to go out, one this week and one Monday, after that, I'd be glad to donate some hatching eggs for you. i have lavender ameraucana, while they don't lay a large egg, they lay almost daily. I also have the welsummers, they are still laying strong after the age of 2

You are always so helpful... God Bless you!

Not that I don't like them... but I have enough ameraucana for now. I would be interested in welsummers or anything else you want to offer.

Since the young flock was destroyed I just tossed in misc eggs from my flock in the bator... so I have about 3 weeks before I can get the bator free :(

So i'll keep in touch....

btw... would be nice to get you and hubby to come down for a cook-out this summer - I'd love to show you the new building and egg cleaning set up ... maybe geet some suggestions :)

Thank you Thank you,

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What a wonderful way to spread the news of freedom from sin. God always provides especially when we give so much of ourselves to others. He has been supplying all our needs and supplies we need for our extended family farm. We will go for drives around back roads and on junk days in our community and can virtually find a lot of things for free that people think no one can use to build with. We think of supplies that we need to build something them WHAM it's there in front of someone's home for the taking. Proves that God already has the "gears in motion " prior to our prayer.He is sooo very good!
Sparrow Ministries is beginning it’s 4th year. I once felt as if this needed to grow grow grow... and it has grown some. There is a certain amount of personalization that can get lost from growing. So maybe if I were to get too busy I would fail to take time to talk or pray with the local folks I am meeting. So whatever the case… rather we grow or downsize I plan on working for the Lord as He give me the ability.

Even though I tried to avoid being without eggs this year, by keeping my old flock until the new flock was ready to lay, this plan did not work out. My spring chick pullets were killed by a predator and that left me scrambling to get a new flock and get them laying before fall. I do have two separate building I house them in but one is not insulated (which is fine for summer chicks) but as winter approaches I had to sell off the old hens and get the new pullets in the warmer building. This left us with a 3 month gap with no eggs.

Praise the Lord we are just starting to get eggs again. Gathering 1-3 each day and hoping for many more by the end of the January. In reflecting a little at what I might call accomplishments in our work so far I think about people we have been able to pray for and pray with. I also found that after several years of inviting some people to church they have begun to come and some of them quite regular at our local church (praise the Lord).

So this leaves me a little torn in how to continue... My heart is with the ones that I have always delivered eggs to, but I also have a desire to reach out to a new area of the community as the new pullets begin to lay. I will be praying about this and I would appreciate your input and prayer as well.

God Bless!
wow Mike, that's wonderful. I think its a beautiful idea. We don't have much egg production yet, but I has already though about donating eggs to a food bank whenever mine all start laying. You've taken it one step further.

I wonder if there is any way to set it up as a charitible organization and possibly have the feed be tax deductible or at least have it be tax free?
I Love the idea of giving away eggs. I have been doing it all summer. Many others do to. I don't have a big flock and like you get about 4-8 eggs a day. It gives me an excuse to go visit the elderly which are on fixed incomes. Eggs are always welcomed by them as their budgets are small. It is also really good for young families with children whose parents have been layed off from work. If we look we can find many who are in need right now. I have found too that their needs don't stop at eggs. We have the opertunity to take off the trash, give lifts to the Dr. get groceries or take them to town for such. It really opens up ways to help. It is wonderful for teens to participate in this. It gives them the feelings of being blessed. they will remember it for a lifetime. gloria Jean
that is a genius idea

i could imagine a dozen eggs with little "bumper stickers" on them with mini-bible verses on them

..... like the way snapple puts interesting facts on the underside of the lids

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