Speckled Sussex Hatchery Birds - Where did you get yours?

Got my 5 females from McMurray and 3 are great and the other 2 other are kinda small though, but they all have nice feathers they are only 4 months old though..
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Wanted to mention I got some SS from the local feedstore who buys from Privett out of NM about 2 weeks ago. The cockerel is extra tall with larger legs, bigger than I've seen in my other SS roosters, and these don't seem to have as much white as my others. They are young, about 3-4 weeks old, but you can definitely tell who the cockerel is versus the pullets. But my other SS's started laying as early as 4 months old, so only time will tell if these other SS's will be comparable.
That's a lot of white. Mine vary, with some having more white than others, but none of mine have as much as yours do. I like the breed, it is my favorite so far as compared to my other two, Barred Rock and New Hampshire. The cockerels dressed out nicely as well, not as large as the other two, but all in all a better looking carcass.
I wish I could remember which hatcheries the feedstore I got my SS from said, but 1 "family" was definitely more white than the other. I got mine in March. The feedstore ordered SS from 2 different hatcheries so I was able to get 2 different bloodlines; which worked out great. Here's some pics of one of my "ladies" as I call them. Some started to lay as early as 4 months and more are laying now at 5 months. Trying to keep track of who's laying and who isn't is nearly impossible, but 2 days ago I got 5 eggs from a coop with 6 pullets. I have noticed the whiter ones tend to be more meaty, but I'm going to be increasing their protein slightly this week so hopefully some will "fill out." I will get more info as to which hatcheries they were from within the next 2-3 days....

PS....The breed is known to get more "speckles" or white as they molt every year, but I'm not sure how much more white the pullet above will get with her next few molts.
LOVE that hen!!!
Anyone else want to post photos now the Spring babies should be all grown up?

Here, I'll help! These are my friend's flock, and these came from Meyer. He is thrilled with these Sussex hens! They are a good size:

Here's some I took of my Ideal SS this week. Excuse some of the shabbier chickens...it is molting time. I only have the one SS rooster and 3 hens now. I'm not sure how much they weigh but he Black and Lavender Orps in the pics with them are fairly large, if that gives any size comparison.

Those look great! I'm still on the waiting list for Ideal's Sussex. Their S.S. chick availability is delayed . . . again. I'm so eager to place an order for these with Ideal!
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When i got SS about 20 years ago i bought 25 straight run from Murray , sent all but 2 roosters to freezer camp ( scrumpious roasters ) Just before it got really cold i culled my hens that didn't lay 4 a week without regard to speckles ( i did look at shape of the bird well feathered etc along with egg laying ) I kept roosters for 2 years and replaced from their sons , hens for 3 years ( more if she was a good broody and had raised a clutch with low loses ) the birds i ended up with were more speckled than the originals but i was looking for utility more than color . I had to sell part of my flock when time ran out on my living situation and the rest went to freezer camp for chicken and dumplings ... but i still miss those birds .... curious but mellow is the best description i have for them

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