Speckled Sussex pullet died yesterday


Apr 26, 2020
I’m new to chickens and don’t know all the possibilities with her death. She was fine yesterday morning,eating and drinking normally. Appeared fine all day. Last night after dinner she was limp in the brooder barely alive. She died about 30 minutes later.
Are there illnesses that can affect a chickens health that suddenly?
I’m new to chickens and don’t know all the possibilities with her death. She was fine yesterday morning,eating and drinking normally. Appeared fine all day. Last night after dinner she was limp in the brooder barely alive. She died about 30 minutes later.
Are there illnesses that can affect a chickens health that suddenly?

Yes it can be quick, they're often fine until they're not. I'm so sorry for the loss of the chick!
I believe she was 8 weeks. No treats for a few days. Treats are a few mealworms or bits of veggies.

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