Speckledhen **Beading is DONE Pg 39**

Just make sure you cover his eyes when you go by the meat department - especially the poultry section.


Gosh folks in town already think I am "odd" I can hear the rumors now....

"she walked right in the store, pretty as you please with this rooster. not a real one mind you but a beaded one of sorts. She was talking to it, asked it what it weighed and put it in the scales in produce. I tell you...she is getting stranger all the time. Then, if you'll believe me, she went walking through the meat department consoling the rooster and reaffirming that none of those chickens were related to him. Odd she is. I feel so sorry for her wonderful husband...he is such a dear man...and to be saddled with her, well it just isn't fair I tell you."


Meanwhile, I smile, talk to my beaded rooster and give them the

I have this "odd" tag because we have 27 churches in the valley we live in. I attend none of them. I do not do the school bake sales and ridiculous girls' group things. Chy is not interested, she would rather come home and hug a chicken than to be bothered with that nonsense. And the biggest thing they do not like about me....I refuse to join the local "gossiping hens"...I have better things to do with my time than sit around talking about other people. I speak my mind...another no-no. So, they can shove it if they do not like me talking to my beaded rooster in the produce section.
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I just wanted to say WOW!!! Your beaded rooster is GORGEOUS!!! All of your other projects are GORGEOUS as well!!!! Man....it makes me HOPE what I COULD get done if I weren't stuck at work all day everyday!!!

I know what you mean about the 'gossip groups' and the 'odd' things. Sounds like your valley is like my town....TONS of churches! Keep cuddling those chickens/roosters and have your own fun!!! Just think of all the cool things THEY could do if they spent their 'gossip time' being creative like you!

Ok....now I have to think of creative 'projects'!!! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! (& speak your mind! we MIGHT be "odd"...but ultimately there are MORE of us...than there are of them....and you'll be warm in STYLE!!!)

*edited to say* MAN....I'd love to just curl up in that coyote blanket!!!
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muahahahahaha I could bring a chicken and 11 ducks and a bag of froen peas...the ducks would take care of em if I threw the peas on them. hehehehe
muahahahahaha I could bring a chicken and 11 ducks and a bag of froen peas...the ducks would take care of em if I threw the peas on them. hehehehe

that would be funny
Thank you.

Ah yes there was a story/meaning behind the design.

The reason I chose to make a shield of sorts was because of the symbolic nature of the circle and Suede being a beloved pet. Also the shield is symbol of protection. So, my belief that our pets pass and crossover to wait for us in the afterlife or are reborn to come to us again in this lifetime, is represented. Suede was born to his life with Cyn, he will pass before her and crossover...she will see him again, maybe several times more in this lifetime as his spirit is reborn into another pet to live with her through her days...when she crosses over they shall be together again.

The 7 knots are very symbolic for me as the number is very sacred to my people. There are 7 clans of the Cherokee, 7 sacred ceremonies and 7 directions honored.

The Clans:

Aniwahya - 'Wolf' Clan
Anikawi - 'Deer' Clan
Ani Tsiskwa - "Bird" or "Small Bird' Clan
Anigilohi - 'Long Hair' Clan
Anisahoni - 'Blue' Clan
Anigatogewi - 'Wild Potato' Clan
Aniwodi - 'Paint' Clan sometimes called 'Red Paint Clan'

There ceremonies:

The First New Moon of Spring Ceremony
The Green Corn Ceremony - held in August
The Ripe Corn Ceremony - held in the end of September
The Great New Moon Ceremony - held in October
The Reconciliation Ceremony - held 10 days after Great New Moon
The Bounding Bush Ceremony
The Uku Dance replaced the Great New Moon Ceremony every 7th year

The directions:

The numbers 4 and 7 are sacred in relation to the directions. 4 representing the primary directions of North, South, East and West with the Sacred Fire in the center, where they meet.

7 Represents the 7 directions honored by the Cherokee, north, south, east, west, above, below, and "here in the center", the place of the sacred fire.

So, when I look at Suede's picture, hear him crowing, talk to Cyn about his him, his behavior and demeanor, I get a "feel" for his spirit, or him. I feel strength, loyalty, devotion, gentleness, a guardian and lovable. I see those things in the design and the strength of it. So, as silly or weird as it may seem to some or many, I actually prayed long and hard about the design. I sat my little butt outside in the wee morning hours (cold too lol), and I prayed for guidance and meaning. I did that 7 mornings...each time facing a new direction. Then I sat down to sketch it.

I can only imagine what someone may think by reading all of that...but it so much a part of who I am, how I was raised and where I came from that to me, it is normal. Some people go to church on Sunday pray....I sit in the woods before the Creator each morning, seek advice and guidance. I put so much of heart and soul into a gift I create that it is important to me that it has the right purpose and comes from a good place. I can think of no better place for it to come from than my heart and my beliefs.

I am not beneath picking up a rock and talking to it...it is old and has seen many things...it is wise. You would be surprised what you can learn from a rock. As children we are sat on a rock to contemplate our actions or behavior.

Sorry this was so long and filled with information many may not care to read. But in short...yes there is a long story behind the design and the gift itself.

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