
I was just about to go take a bath in my jacuzzi tub... now there is no way I will be able to without constantly checking all the jets for spiders.
Yeah we have the Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders here, out in force!
Over the last month, on three seperate occasions, I have encountered spiders in the shower.... There I am, halfway through my shower, and out of the corner of my eye this thing suddenly drops from the ceiling towards the top of my head! Waahh!

There they are, descending from the ceiling on their threads.. saying "Oh, Hi there! I was just going to connect my web to your hair, do stand still, wont you?" and I say "No! Drown!" and use the air freshener can from the back of the toilet to knock em into the water stream and watch them get rinsed down the drain before I get back in... Grrrr!

Then yesterday, I was out sitting with the chicks.. and a little but very thick legged black spider almost ran right over me.. it was in a hurry!

Is it safe for chickens to eat venomous spiders?
Has anyone ever realized that scorpions are arachnids? They don't bother me, but still. I hate spiders. The only ones allowed to live are Garden spiders and jumping spiders. All other must die a horrible death.
Do you realize how funny it is to see a thread entitled "Spiders!!!!!!" by someone named "I have WHAT in my yard?"
Yesterday was a very nice day, My friend called and i went outside to chat on the phone like most of us girls do, i sat down in the grass, Not even 10 minutes Later 2 Big brown Spotted spiders were crawling up my jeans, I screamed, smacked my pants, and squished the things! I hate spiders, I would rather deal with Stinkbugs the reast of my life then Spiders, Ickyy!
yesterday my bf was hiding easter eggs for his nephew, and was freaking out over a "black widow" he saw on the cactus in his front yard. I thought that was a weird place for a widow to be hanging out, so i had him show me. It was a harmless crab spider. I offered to pick it up and let it crawl on me, but he declined, lol.

he's severely arachnophobic, and i'm a bit of an arachnophile. i can't give him too much grief about it, though. my lepidoptheraphobia is far more irrational than his arachnophobia, lol.
OK Seriously, I could have went the rest of my life without this thread.

I HATE spiders, I am terrified, I dont know why. I am not scared of anything else.

I only read a couple of stories.
all spiders.

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