
I think spiders are really cool. I do have a few rules about where they can or ca not live. I don't mind them in the bedroom, but the bed is off limits. I also do not think that they should crawl on me for a reason. Other than that it is a live and let live house. I did find that the spider that formed a web in the opening of the garage was rather rude and she had to be relocated. I had opened up the garage door from inside and thank god I figured out the she was right there. If I had walked out I would have run into the web with my face. So that is also totally against the rules around here. I just carefully relocated her and made a rather strong suggestion that she not repeat the experience. I am going to have to check today and make sure she got the message.

I wanted a hairy Tarantula, but then I read that they can live for up to 30 years. I am very sure that I don't want any pet that lives for 30 years at my age. So I never got my hairy Tarantula.

Oh Took pictures of the spider in the door opening. I often will take pictures of interesting spiders.
I feel everyone's pain. Again I don't mind spiders as long as they are NOT on me! We have a lot of those Golden Orb spiders, I call them garden spiders. Anyway they get humongous and they look absolutely evil, but I am pretty sure they are harmless. The other day I was walking through the yard and walked right into one of the webs. I ran around the yard screaming like a woman.
My next door neighbor who was watering her yard was laughing so hard she had to go inside to "recover".
Somehow I was unscathed from the incident and went about the rest of my day.
So today I reach in and grab a bunch of dirty clothes from the hamper and what do I see when I pull out my hand??


No white knight to save me (or laugh at me) laundry flew this time. I did what is probably the exact same mexican hat dance done by Bigmedicine's spouse and beat feet out of there.

I can just see this spider going, "And here I am taking a nap when this monster HAND just grabs up my bed and I screamed and it threw me across the room!"

Live and let live BUT DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!!
I seriously DOUBT they were tarantulas...
The furthest north they go is OK. A. Hentzi..
I have 4 tarantulas... Most are as afraid of people as we are of them. And their fangs can't penetrate our skin... but some species flick hair, its like handling fiberglass with out gloves.

Don't get me near a potato bug.. those are CREEPY!!!
Usually with a spider (unless its a black widow or brown recluse) I will get a plastic cup and a paper towel or piece of card board and scoop it up and chuck it outside...

They were not actual tarantulas, they're wolf spiders. But they're big enough to be tarantulas, hence the nickname.
I am the same exact way!! I find them very interesting, but right now there is one 3 feet away from me and I am frozen on my bed home alone and have no way of killing it. I don't like to get close enough to kill them
I have been finding brown recluse spiders in my house for a while now.....I hate those things! I spray them with hairspray or spray gel first then smash em. I am going to have to get an exterminator out I think as the roaches have taken over the pantry no matter I use to get rid of them. Oh and our poor doggies have fleas....nothing is killing those either! Grrrrrrr. I used frontline and avantix and flea baths and borax on the carpets.......... nothing works!

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