Spirit - the amazing grey dewlap toulouse gander!

Utah your weather is ten times worst then mine! No idea y im complaining about my weather if you have extreme weather in winter and in ireland it snows once or twice a year!!! And then theres the rain :-\
J just got caught up here. Spirit is looking great
. Sorry to hear about Ember
. Hope we all have a great hatching season.

Paulla, good to see you! Thanks for the compliments and condolences. Look forward to doing another hatchalong next spring with you! How's everything going at the puddle place??

Duckobsessed, I'm glad you found Spirit's story uplifting. Thank you for the nice compliment.
Paulla, good to see you! Thanks for the compliments and condolences. Look forward to doing another hatchalong next spring with you! How's everything going at the puddle place??
Tomorrow should see the last of the early winter prep. I will still have to run electric for the waters but not to worried about ice till it doesn't stay clear during the day. Winter numbers are 15 chickens (need a roo in one pen, but I'm picky) and 17 total waterfowl. Much smaller then were I thought I'd be last spring, but it'll allow for lots of babies.
Spirit has taken a bad turn. Early this week, our weather went from low 50s to a major snow storm followed by -18F in less than 48 hours. We moved Spirit along with his group into a garage pen before the storm hit and covered concrete floor with carpet, topped with two bags shavings, topped with sleeping bags. He was fine the 1st day. Day 2 (yesterday), he looked less mobile and we debated on bringing him inside house with his favorite girl, but decided he would prefer to stay with group.

When I went out to feed this morning on day 3, he was in bad shape so I immediately brought him inside with his girl. He has frostbite on the outer edge of his bad foot and had exhausted himself trying to get up. He is now back in his old room on a pile of blankets and has slightly improved, but has almost zero mobility. The scary part is his reversion to baby personality, where he insists on being in my lap and throws a fit if I try to put him down.

Scott (Spirit's primary vet) is in Texas doing surgery, so I have sent him emails with pictures and expect to hear back from him soon. I have also talked to Spirit's back-up vet so he is informed as to what is going on.

I cannot believe that 3 days ago Spirit was happily walking around grazing on grass in his yard and today he cannot stand up. I'm feeling freaked.
Spirit has taken a bad turn. Early this week, our weather went from low 50s to a major snow storm followed by -18F in less than 48 hours. We moved Spirit along with his group into a garage pen before the storm hit and covered concrete floor with carpet, topped with two bags shavings, topped with sleeping bags. He was fine the 1st day. Day 2 (yesterday), he looked less mobile and we debated on bringing him inside house with his favorite girl, but decided he would prefer to stay with group.

When I went out to feed this morning on day 3, he was in bad shape so I immediately brought him inside with his girl. He has frostbite on the outer edge of his bad foot and had exhausted himself trying to get up. He is now back in his old room on a pile of blankets and has slightly improved, but has almost zero mobility. The scary part is his reversion to baby personality, where he insists on being in my lap and throws a fit if I try to put him down.

Scott (Spirit's primary vet) is in Texas doing surgery, so I have sent him emails with pictures and expect to hear back from him soon. I have also talked to Spirit's back-up vet so he is informed as to what is going on.

I cannot believe that 3 days ago Spirit was happily walking around grazing on grass in his yard and today he cannot stand up. I'm feeling freaked.
Oh, how disappointing and sad for you, after all that effort and success...poor little chap.

I imagine the behaviour could be because he needs security......I expect all the struggling and pain he´s encountered now has reminded him of his goslinghood. (no idea if this word exists
) Just keep him comfy, I´m sure he´ll be a lot better in a few days. Maybe you´ll have to keep him indoors during the winters.....
Thanks, LB.

Scott called me when done with surgery last night and we had a good talk. He says the frostbite does not look that bad and is a result of poor circulation due to severing tendons and breaking bones in that foot. He agrees that Spirit will have to live inside when below freezing. He reassured me that Spirit will most likely recover strength & mobility with rest, metacam and daily long baths. When I put Spirit in the bathtub last night, he was so happy and swam/bathed for a whole hour before he was finally done. It seemed to help him a lot and so far this morning, he is much better than yesterday. We still have a ways to go to get him back to 100%, but I am starting to feel hopeful that all will be ok.
Thanks, LB.

Scott called me when done with surgery last night and we had a good talk. He says the frostbite does not look that bad and is a result of poor circulation due to severing tendons and breaking bones in that foot. He agrees that Spirit will have to live inside when below freezing. He reassured me that Spirit will most likely recover strength & mobility with rest, metacam and daily long baths. When I put Spirit in the bathtub last night, he was so happy and swam/bathed for a whole hour before he was finally done. It seemed to help him a lot and so far this morning, he is much better than yesterday. We still have a ways to go to get him back to 100%, but I am starting to feel hopeful that all will be ok.
Oh my gosh J I hated to read the first above post. Thank goodness your beginning to see improvements already. I'm sure if there is a way you'll have him back to his old self in no time. So relieved to hear he's already improving. The immediate above post here is very encouraging.
Spirit has taken a bad turn. Early this week, our weather went from low 50s to a major snow storm followed by -18F in less than 48 hours. We moved Spirit along with his group into a garage pen before the storm hit and covered concrete floor with carpet, topped with two bags shavings, topped with sleeping bags. He was fine the 1st day. Day 2 (yesterday), he looked less mobile and we debated on bringing him inside house with his favorite girl, but decided he would prefer to stay with group.

When I went out to feed this morning on day 3, he was in bad shape so I immediately brought him inside with his girl. He has frostbite on the outer edge of his bad foot and had exhausted himself trying to get up. He is now back in his old room on a pile of blankets and has slightly improved, but has almost zero mobility. The scary part is his reversion to baby personality, where he insists on being in my lap and throws a fit if I try to put him down.

Scott (Spirit's primary vet) is in Texas doing surgery, so I have sent him emails with pictures and expect to hear back from him soon. I have also talked to Spirit's back-up vet so he is informed as to what is going on.

I cannot believe that 3 days ago Spirit was happily walking around grazing on grass in his yard and today he cannot stand up. I'm feeling freaked.

Oh, J that is awful and I said a prayer for Spirit and you. I pray he gets better quickly for you. Was his bath a warm bath? If it was that will help his legs feel better. Just keep up your loving care to Spirit and he will do fine. So guess in freezing weather Spirit comes in for that time....
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Thanks, ladies.
Yes, it was a warm bath (per Scott's instructions). I will do everything I can to help him pull through this, but I am worried. He hasn't been this disabled since right after surgery over a year ago. At least there is some improvement.
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