
Has the rooster ever shown signs of aggression towards you?
Yes he has that tendency. In the past he ran up to me a couple times and did a dance, and I immediately stomped toward him and chased him away. Occasionally, when I was walking by the run, he jumped up on the corner roost beside me and crowed. When he did that I slapped the the fence to make him jump down. Things seemed okay for the past couple weeks, but yesterday I was leaning down with the camera, backing up to get them all in the frame, and he ran at my boot. I gave chase with the nearest long handled object, a car washing brush, and any time I saw him thereafter I walked toward him making sure he'd run away which he did.
He may go to the July swap if I find I can't trust him by then. I don't know what subtle signals I may be giving him without even realizing it. Nor do I recognize all of his. I see the chickens do a light wing flap to show respect to the higher ups, and he usually does that when he sees me. This is different than the loud wing popping flap I occasionally see, which seems to be a threat. He hasn't done that when I was near, maybe just showing off to the hens? I don't know if any of the older girls accept him or not. They seem to just live parallel lives right now.


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I refuse to tolerate any aggression from my roosters. I would get rid of him.... having to always watch him is stressful.

As to the behavior from the hen... flying onto your shoulder. ... I don't think that is an issue, or an aggression problem. I think some hens are simply super curious... tall perches are nice, and you are a tall perch. :confused:

Of course if you don't like it, discourage the behavior. .. but I wouldn't stress or worry about it.
Okay, thanks. I probably will, then, get rid of him. No,I know the pullet isn't doing it to attack, I think she is flying to me for security or something. Maybe to get away from the rooster... Maybe when he's gone it will change, at least I won't worry about his reaction.
I am leaving to go out of town in 4 days, and my DH, who's taking care of things, is aware of the situation w the rooster. When I get home, we will deal w Flugel, take him to the swap. I am no longer feeling sentimental about any of the chickens. I may sell a couple hens as well.
I think I already got a Spitzhauben egg earlier in the week. I had credited it to the Leghorns, but I opened it tonight and said, hmmm, this is pretty small. The bantam eggs are smaller, and cream color, this was white. Here's a pic, I put both halves of the empty shell together, and put it with a leghorn egg, and a bantam's, it's the one on top.
eggs--Spitz, leghorn, bantam (3 of 1).jpg
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Okay, I'm leaving tomorrow for 8 days. Flugel, the cockerel, is being very respectful after I implemented BeeKissed approach. He will have to demonstrate total complete verifiable non aggressiveness to avoid the poultry swap on July 7. My DH, the chicken sitter, understands the approach he should take, but I can see Flugel is afraid of him, so that should be fine. MEANWHILE, one of my leghorn hens went broody yesterday..:barnieLeghorns aren't supposed to go broody! I don't think I have fertile eggs yet. I check yolks when I crack the eggs, no bullseye. I've got her in the broody buster cage as of yesterday evening, and she'll be in tonight, and tomorrow I will have to let her out, and que sera, sera.
Broody Leghorn!? :lau
That's a new one! I read Leghorns don't go broody. (That's why they make great layers!)

Anyway, Have a great trip!
Someone wrote they "used to keep a flock of about 100 white leghorns for egg sales but there were always a couple hens in broody jail." That would be 2%.
A funny discussion while driving home yesterday:
We were talking about our plans for next week. I mentioned that when we sell some orp chicks on Tuesday, "Poof Poof" (our spitz) may be getting boyfriend. (The woman buying the orps is letting us borrow her Spitzhauben rooster.) DS said , "Well, she's MY chicken! I'm her dad, so if she's getting a boyfriend, I have to approve of him 1st."
:lau I had to laugh, so my 8 yr old son continued on..... If he's going to pull her feathers or keep all the treats for himself, then he's not allowed to date my Poof Poof!


On a technical note, any suggestions on a good way to get fertile eggs? My plan is to keep the pair away from the flock - a large dog cage in the garage. I don't want to add the roo to my flock. (Besides biosecurity, my birds stay inside the 4' fence. The new guy would cause too much trouble if free.)

Poof Poof's eggs are rarely fertile. She doesn't squat for the orp boys - but squats for us all the time. I doubt she's the best quality, and we were going to sell her to the lady with the spitz roo ...... until DS fell in love with her. She does have such a friendly personality so I'm glad DS made me change my mind.


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I'm in Virginia, visiting family, DH back home says now our Sebright is broody. He removes her from nest, she returns. He doesn't know if any of the white eggs are Spitz eggs or he could give her some. I don't know if Flugel, the cockerel mated w any of the hens, but am thinking none other than the Spitzes would be fertilized, if any. I'll be home Thur. The thing w the Sebright is this is the 3rd time this year going broody. She really is being insistent. I'm getting tired of locking chickens in jail.
But would it be advisable to try to hatch pullet eggs?
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