Spraddled legs...

I found a towel... Which is the perfect size for the ovation 28
That’s good! Although they’re little toes may possibly get caught in the fibers so I would just keep an eye on them. If you have a dollar store near you, they usually have the grippy shelf liner for cheap which is what I use but a towel is fine too :) how is the chick?
@CindyinSD another quail which was the one who got better drowned in the waterer... The waterer is made for quails and it barely is big enough for thier beaks... Overall i got 3 remaining chicks and 2 colored and one yellow chick... The cute yellow chickie has really bad spraddled legs its more than 6 days and its impossible for it to fix.. She didnt settle at first days of spraddle legs when i put bandages on her.. So i just couldn't solve her problem.. 😢 Ive checked all the baby quail's wings and in total the 2 colored ones are female while the yellow splayed legged one is a male... So sad...
You can put pebbles in the waterer so they can’t drown. It’s very common for quail chicks to drown in a small amount of water. Also I’ve heard quail can’t be reliably sexed by their wings, so your ratio may be different than what you are expecting.

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