Spring 2017 first timers post!

Welcome!! You are just a step behind me, I started last Spring (never have had chickens in my life, you'll love this site) and I'm really enjoying it. Hawks are always on the move here too, but once your girls are bigger they really keep their guard up. Mine are out in the afternoons & I've had a few "swooping" close call I'm sure, but they are made to forage & love it. They are happy no mater what
It's very nice to see the girls out & about doing their thing on our land. I'm home all day so I can go out if I hear alarm or just to be a "Prescence". I think, they think, that I'm their rooster lol
Well, that makes sense because March 13th just happens to be my hatch day. Don't be sorry Im happy you were able to get them also gives me a reason to add a couple more next year...maybe :) Plus it forced me to find something else to fill my order so I got a swedish flower hen and a Barnevelder, two chicks I would have never learned about if not for the missing EE's.
Hi everyone! We got our chicks yesterday- 2 easter eggers, 1 buff orp, 1 barred rock. Next week we are picking up 2 silkies.

Here's a picture of their current set up.

We are excited to get them into their coop, but it needs a little more work. We also need (soon) to add extra security. In the last two days we've had a red tail hawk nearly crash into our back door and we've seen a bobcat. I fear our girls won't get much free range time.
Welcome @wafarm ! Are these your first time ever chicks? This site is great for learning everything about chicks, I think Im officially addicted. Nice assortment of chicks you have there. Are you going to keep the large fowl with the silkies together? Just wondering because I want to see how it goes because my kids were driving me crazy for silkies but I was afraid of mixing the big girls with the bantams. Good luck and enjoy BYC
Welcome @wafarm ! Are these your first time ever chicks? This site is great for learning everything about chicks, I think Im officially addicted. Nice assortment of chicks you have there. Are you going to keep the large fowl with the silkies together? Just wondering because I want to see how it goes because my kids were driving me crazy for silkies but I was afraid of mixing the big girls with the bantams. Good luck and enjoy BYC
Hi! Yes these are our first. We are going to try to keep them together. I've been researching it for a while, and I think they will be ok. If not I do have the space to separate them, although that's not ideal. I'll keep you all updated!

Take care!
Here's a picture of my coop so far. It's a lot of work and I feel like it's going as slow as molasses. But there is a huge learning curve because I have never built anything before. Chicks arrive between march 14-16th. Then I have maybe 4 to 8 weeks before they have to be in the coop. Totally doable if the weather holds put up here in Massachusetts. If we have a monster snow storm I could be in trouble.

@Merrymouse Wow! It does look great! I'll be in the same inexperienced boat when I go to tackle my coop as well. But that's part of the fun!.....right?

I think we're going to be affected by the same weather system...here's hoping it's mild! We'll compare next week
Well finally ordered my chicks
2 buff Orpington
3 blue silkie bantams
1 black cohin bantam
2 light Brahma
But sadly I will not receive the! Until July 17
So after some thinking I decided to order
More some I can get sooner
3 buff Orpington
2 silver laced wyandotte
2 black frizzle bantam
3 buff Brahma
And these babies will come April 17th
All my clicks will be female's that should even
My 2 flocks out
My show birds and my free range crew now it's
Time for me to finish up my coops yes it's time looking by

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