Spring 2017 first timers post!

My biggest concern right now is predators. We are new to this house and it seems to get way more wildlife than our last place. Last night we had a coyote come within a few inches of our home. His tracks are all along the perimeter. Between this, the hawks we've seen, and the bobcats...I'm more than a little concerned. I'm trying not to get too attached to this first flock! 
I have the same problem except with bears and raccoons wolves and foxes. One wolf even tried to snatch my cat!! There are a few mountain lions as well, but I have never seen one here. There have been recent sitings around here though! :barnie :th
My biggest concern right now is predators. We are new to this house and it seems to get way more wildlife than our last place. Last night we had a coyote come within a few inches of our home. His tracks are all along the perimeter. Between this, the hawks we've seen, and the bobcats...I'm more than a little concerned. I'm trying not to get too attached to this first flock!
Yes, predators are a huge concern but all we can do is do out best to thwart their attacks, sturdy construction, good locks, hardware cloth buried down and out about coop. I have coyote, bobcats, fisher cats, occasional bears etc. but you know what we also have predators that are out household pets. Our dogs and neighbors dogs are a real threat too. So all we can do is do our best and hope for the best. Good luck!
I am getting my first babies during he first week of April and I am so excited!! I am buying them from a local breeder and I am getting 4 Easter eggers, 4 buff Orpingtons, 2 Rhode Island reds and 2 barred Plymouth rocks! I cannot wait until I get to go pick them up!!!
Nice mix, very exciting!

My biggest concern right now is predators. We are new to this house and it seems to get way more wildlife than our last place. Last night we had a coyote come within a few inches of our home. His tracks are all along the perimeter. Between this, the hawks we've seen, and the bobcats...I'm more than a little concerned. I'm trying not to get too attached to this first flock!
I'm in a new place as well, it's tough when you're not sure what to expect! I'm going to do my best in preventative measures...but I know some predators are going to surprise me
I am getting my first babies during he first week of April and I am so excited!! I am buying them from a local breeder and I am getting 4 Easter eggers, 4 buff Orpingtons, 2 Rhode Island reds and 2 barred Plymouth rocks! I cannot wait until I get to go pick them up!!!
Nice! I have 2 Buff Orp and 2 Lavender Orps and a white rock and a barred rock or two (cant remember) second week in March. So look out for my pics so you can see the same chicks you're getting. Its so fun. Congrats!
I would just love if any of you would share tips or advice on raising chicks. As this is my first flock.
I have a total of 8, and they are indoors as they are only 4 days old.
I have:
- 2 Buff Orpington
- 2 Barred Rock
- 2 Rhode Island Red
- 1 Ameraucana
- 1 White Plymouth Rock

Any feedback is greatly appreciated
I would just love if any of you would share tips or advice on raising chicks. As this is my first flock.
I have a total of 8, and they are indoors as they are only 4 days old.
I have:
- 2 Buff Orpington
- 2 Barred Rock
- 2 Rhode Island Red
- 1 Ameraucana
- 1 White Plymouth Rock

Any feedback is greatly appreciated


I'm sure you'll get good advice on this thread - but since it's for first time chicken owners you might have better success in a different thread. And a quick search will find you lots of information as well!

I've ordered some Buff Orpingtons as well, can't wait
I would just love if any of you would share tips or advice on raising chicks. As this is my first flock.
I have a total of 8, and they are indoors as they are only 4 days old.
I have:
- 2 Buff Orpington
- 2 Barred Rock
- 2 Rhode Island Red
- 1 Ameraucana
- 1 White Plymouth Rock

Any feedback is greatly appreciated
I have barred rock, white rock, and buff Orps coming in March, my first flock also. Im a newbie so can't really advise but we would love to see pictures of your chicks and will try to help if we can. So please post pictures so we that are still waiting can oh and ah over yours

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