"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

I am way behind...

WELCOME to all the folks that joined in the last 10 pages. I saw a few were new to incubating. I am too. Congrats!!! And I can't wait to read about your progress!

On a personal flock note, today was bad. Our neighbors dog broke into our run and killed 4 of our chicks today. Of course it only took 30 seconds and both myself and my kids were there to watch. This is our families first lose. I know they are chickens (as many say) but my eyes still had tears in them and my heart still broke. And today, after 2 particularly cruel comments, I made a decision that even if my farm animals are a future casseroles for our family or snack for a predetor, it will be loved while with me. This means that I may be more upset when thier life is over and that people will make fun of me, but, my animals will also, hopefully, only have 1 bad day in thier lives.

I am sure that everyone here has a similar story to mine and mine is not special. We learned a lot about chickens today. And locking options. I hope tomorrow's lesson is a simpler one, like "Chickens like lettuce".
so sorry awwwww

I'll join in to see what I can hatch!
Mira!!! YAYAYYA welcome over!!
which bator are you using? can you get away from using bottom wells and use something up top to control until lockdown? I dont think it matters if you do or dont with distilled, If I use the bottom wells I make sure I only put enough it that it will dry out in a day or two so I can adjust it if necessary

See below in the tips and tricks links

HUMIDITY Humidity is NOT a set number!

Its a tool to get the correct weight loss in the egg! post #7068 see Hatching Eggs 101

WHY do we need less humidity to get the best weight loss for colored hatching eggs during incubation? post #36320
KEEPING MOLD and BACTERIAL from growing in water WELLS during incubation post #1644
USING a aquarium pump to humidify incubator Begin post post #42512
TIPS n TRICKS to raising humidity in incubators post #42512

I've got the Brinsea - so there's no more space in the tray holding all the eggs. For now, I've got one of the bottom wells half-filled w/ distilled water- humidity is fluctuating between 31-35% since yesterday. I'm now thinking there's too much water in there....as the darker BCMs shells need more of a dry hatch - I know that from experience. Will check at Day 3 or 7.
Awesome Marie!!!!! glad to have you over! idea on what your gonna set yet? silkies? I am not sure!

How do you like the area in TN you live?
I just have 1 pair of paint silkies left. I sold the rest. I coldn't take care of them the way they required so I sent them to better homes. They're high maintenance. I have a small flock of maran mixes some english orps and one that I have no idea what it is. Looks like an RIR but it's probably a mutt. I thought it was a roo till it's mate died and I was still getting eggs. Apparently they where both hens. One has spurs and crows. I'll be hatching english orps and paint silkies. I want to add a few better quality paint hens to my small pen and more english orp hens to that pen. Oh I do have some black giant pullets and buff orp pullets that just got their feathers. I won't keep them all. I'll sell probably half when they're started.

It's just turning spring here. Flowers all haven't bloomed yet but it is very beautiful here when they do. We're having a cold spell right now but i'm hoping it's the last one.
I am way behind...

WELCOME to all the folks that joined in the last 10 pages. I saw a few were new to incubating. I am too. Congrats!!! And I can't wait to read about your progress!

On a personal flock note, today was bad. Our neighbors dog broke into our run and killed 4 of our chicks today. Of course it only took 30 seconds and both myself and my kids were there to watch. This is our families first lose. I know they are chickens (as many say) but my eyes still had tears in them and my heart still broke. And today, after 2 particularly cruel comments, I made a decision that even if my farm animals are a future casseroles for our family or snack for a predetor, it will be loved while with me. This means that I may be more upset when thier life is over and that people will make fun of me, but, my animals will also, hopefully, only have 1 bad day in thier lives.

I am sure that everyone here has a similar story to mine and mine is not special. We learned a lot about chickens today. And locking options. I hope tomorrow's lesson is a simpler one, like "Chickens like lettuce".
I am way behind...

WELCOME to all the folks that joined in the last 10 pages. I saw a few were new to incubating. I am too. Congrats!!! And I can't wait to read about your progress!

On a personal flock note, today was bad. Our neighbors dog broke into our run and killed 4 of our chicks today. Of course it only took 30 seconds and both myself and my kids were there to watch. This is our families first lose. I know they are chickens (as many say) but my eyes still had tears in them and my heart still broke. And today, after 2 particularly cruel comments, I made a decision that even if my farm animals are a future casseroles for our family or snack for a predetor, it will be loved while with me. This means that I may be more upset when thier life is over and that people will make fun of me, but, my animals will also, hopefully, only have 1 bad day in thier lives.

I am sure that everyone here has a similar story to mine and mine is not special. We learned a lot about chickens today. And locking options. I hope tomorrow's lesson is a simpler one, like "Chickens like lettuce".
Oh no! So sorry! When we got out first chicken. He was was like my puppy. He followed me everywhere and would fly into my lap every chance he got. Our own dog(who we no longer have) was playing fetch with my husband and saw the chicken running and within a spilt second had killed him! He was almost in a safe zone too.. :( I didnt think id like having chickens, boy was I wrong . Now we have a Pecky 2 and 30 others!
@mamahmendez, I'm sorry for your loss. I love my featherkids, even if I end up eating them. I want them to be safe and happy while they're around.

In hatching news: I candled my ducks eggs early on and I was convinced that the yolks were detached on most of them. I candled again last night (day 5) and 13 of 15 are looking great :D The other two look like a blood ring and a quitter but I'm keeping both until I can be sure.

These are the first eggs I've ever hatched from my birds! My family is unimpressed but I was up all night feeling giddy.

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