"Springing in the Chicks" 2016 April Hatch-a-Long Hosted by Mike & Sally

20 went to lockdown - I don't remember when (hectic week) - 4 pips so far and chirping. I think they're officially due tomorrow night or Sunday morning, so I guess they're a bit early. What a week.... :/ I have lost track of myself and y'all. I hope all is well.
20 went to lockdown - I don't remember when (hectic week) - 4 pips so far and chirping. I think they're officially due tomorrow night or Sunday morning, so I guess they're a bit early. What a week.... :/ I have lost track of myself and y'all. I hope all is well.

4/1 = 0/15 from shipped eggs
4/8&4/9 = 5/7 from my eggs
4/12 = 0/12 from shipped eggs
4/15 = 2/3 from a friend
4/24 = ?/20 from my flock

Had to post some cute pictures
Hey (relative) good news! Of the 3 eggs that I just inspected, two didn't even develop! One looked fertile but only for a day, no blood ring, no veins, just a whitish mass. The Easter Egger I was so sad about "dying" WASN'T EVEN FERTILE. I didn't screw it up!!! :woot (Also I must be really bad at candling... I was sure that sucker had an eye spot.) But, sadly, the little bantam egger was about 8-9 days old when he left his mortal coil. He was beautiful and perfect. His yolk and veins looked great, no sign of bacterial infection or deformity. Not sure why he quit. Something not detectable to my inexperienced naked eye affected him. (I say "him" to console myself that he was just going to be a pesky rooster I'd have to deal with somehow and nature decided to relieve me of the responsibility.) So, that was sad, but also very cool to see. I buried him deep in the compost. So yeah, only two other suspected quitters at this stage, but due to their dark shells, I think I'll give them a few more days just to be really sure... And send good vibes the remaining 7 all make it out unscathed!
fingers crossed
Well, I'm ready to call it.... I got 9 Ameraucana and 1 Bielefelder boy. There is another Biele that is still in it's egg waiting to absorb all it's stuff and hopefully hatch. The other Biele eggs made it to lockdown and not much further. Happy/Sad day for me....
@Chaos18 I set two FBPP @ 7:20, I expect them to hatch around 7:35. The temperature is at 400° I'm not checking humidity.
Mmmmm, I set some as well
l That little black one thinks it's evil kenievle, drives the momma hen crazy with it's antics then goes and pecks her lol. They were moved by friend to the insulated shed. They are starting to feather out 4 days old. Lock down on bator in the morning pulled 4 eggs that were early quitters
So cute
They hatched early. A little dry. I will be sure to add more humidity next time. It was a perfect hatch otherwise. I forgot to take pictures, I'm sorry. I waited five minutes before eating them. I wanted to wait 10, until they were really ready, but they just looked so tempting!
I know the feeling sometimes hunger wins
20 went to lockdown - I don't remember when (hectic week) - 4 pips so far and chirping. I think they're officially due tomorrow night or Sunday morning, so I guess they're a bit early. What a week....
I have lost track of myself and y'all. I hope all is well.
Good luck with these!!! Sorry about your earlier hatches!

I have one out! 5 pips to go

Moose will keep a good eye on things tonight!
Congrats on the one chick, lets hope you have 5 more waiting for you in the morning! Good job Moose!!!

29 total hatched in the brooder and doin well

So cute!!!

That little black one thinks it's evil kenievle, drives the momma hen crazy with it's antics then goes and pecks her lol. They were moved by friend to the insulated shed. They are starting to feather out 4 days old.

Lock down on bator in the morning pulled 4 eggs that were early quitters
Adorable chickies! Good luck with your lockdown eggs!

All the cute chicks hatching! Congratulations to all the successful hatches, and I'm so sorry for all the ones that didn't make it.

I have had 31 chicks hatch. Had to assist 1 that I'm not sure will make it. I have 6 eggs still in the running. 3 of which were set 2 days later than the ones that just hatched. These were all shipped eggs, so I'm super happy about the hatch percentage!

I moved 10 of the chicks in with the 13 chicks that hatched last week, They are a little crowded, but I'll have a new area built for them by Sunday. I set my LG up as a temporary brooder for the remaining chicks.

Here are most of the 23 little fuzz butts.

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