spurs on hen

I have a hen (standard cochin) with full size spurs. She is now two years old and she has only laid one egg and that was about a month ago. The roster is shore she is a hen though and she is one of his favorites. I think this is a hormonal fault - sometimes genetic but sometimes caused by the lack of a rooster. In my case it is definitely genetic since they have had a roooster present all the time. A hormon fault could also explain why some lay eggs and other doesn't and why there can be severe cases where they turn in to rooster. i wonder if those hen / roosters are fertile. I would guess not.
she is a fertile hen, and acts like a hen. her srurs look like the pic drews ma posted.i always seem to be drawn to the weird, odd or as my hubby calls ugly chickens. thanks for all the info guys!
I have had several hens with spurs. Right now I have a 3 year old Marans hen with fairley large spurs that lays every few days. There is 2 roosters with the girls. I think its genetic. Some hens just get spurs.
Joined: 28 Apr 2008
Posts: 220
Location: Midwest

You gave me an idea.. I have this big book Genetics of the Fowl
"Bauer (1931) could find no abnormalities of the ovary or of other endocrine glands in spurred females. Histological examination of the ovaries of such birds [spurred hens] revealed no testicular tissue and only normal structure. Moreover, 48 spur-bearing females laid as well as normal controls, reproduced normally, and did not differ in conformation from females with undeveloped spurs.
Genetic Basis. By selection Goodale (1925) established a strain in which half of the females had well-developed spurs. When these were crossed with Cornish Indian Games, the F1 females lacked spurs but in the F2 generation and backcrosses spurred females reappeared. Apparently there is a genetic basis for the development of spurs in females, but its exact nature is not yet clear."

Unless we have learned more since this book came out in 1949
i haven't figured out how to post pics yet. thanks for the 411 fowlafoot. and that's some mean momma you've got! i would be afraid to take her eggs! she looks like she rules the rooster for sure!
Absolutely correct-it has nothing to do with presence or absence of a male.

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