Square paving stones as digging barrier


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 26, 2013
If I dig about 2 inches deep 24 inches wide all the way around the perimeter of my chain link run, and then put two 12 x 12 1.5 inch thick paving stones end to end for a total of 24 inches of stone, and then cover it with the sod I took out, would that prevent weasels and raccoons from digging under?
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If I dig about 2 inches deep 24 inches wide all the way around the perimeter of my chain link run, and then put two 12 x 12 1.5 inch thick paving stones end to end for a total of 24 inches of stone, and then cover it with the sod I took out, would that prevent weasels and raccoons from digging under?

That should work great. It would take a very determined animal to dig under those paving stones. Most animals will start digging and hit stone, and then they will stop digging.

Can a weasel get through a chain-link fence, or do you have some other wire down low to keep them out?
I do have 24" .5 inch hardware cloth all along the bottom, but there are gaps at the door. We have a fully enclosed coop with mini run inside the CL run, and unless weasals are very strong, they won't be able to get in it. My main concern right now is keeping raccoons out, because they might be able to make headway trying to rip apart the semi cheesy fully enclosed coop with mini run. It's like those ones you see at petco or wherever... Just enough to get by, but I don't trust it's workmanship against raccoons. I'm assuming weasels aren't as strong. Regardless, they will be in the coop portion at night, no way to breach unless the predator is a carpenter.

We bought it in a hurry because we lost two the other day... Up until then, I thought we were safe from raccoons with just the shade cover above. Nope, he went through that like nothing. Hard lesson.

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Great idea... What type of wire? Wouldn't chicken wire be too easy for them to move or rip up? Maybe hardware cloth, fastened to the bottom rail and then landscape spikes with washers every foot at the edges?
Most any type of wire will work.
Once a little grass grows up through it, the roots will hold it in place

There's no need to stake the edges, since animals aren't smart enough to FIND the edges.
They will always dig right at the verticle fencing.

Just lay it flat, then cover with a thin layer of soil or sand so the grass will grow through it and you'll never even know it's there
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