Squirrel cleaning question


You'd just be surprised what we talk about at our table LOL
I just assumed that everyone made animal processing dinner time conversation...after all, we are generally eating the results of our labors during the conversation.

Just shows the straw stickin' out from under my hat, huh?
It's a joke that our family seems to always discuss the grossest things you can imagine over the dinner table. We don't notice but when friends are there, they sure do
I need to find where I can bUy dressed squirrel meat - I so want to try it! (Apologies to the gray squirrels resident in the trees on my property and near by.). But if it's tasty enough, I might give that tree rodent family some exercise; maybe I'll get lucky and bag one!

Not gonna try without a taste test first, though.
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I would be shocked if you could find it at an online purveyor of exotic food. I've been shocked before though.

I think your best bet is going to be finding a neighbor that hunts them and asking to trade for one. They really are very easy to clean though. If you have some in your yard just get yourself one and go to town.

They are good to eat but I think that most of the "goodness" comes from some kind of cultural memory or something. Not to get all philosophical about it.
Do you par boil them before you fry?

If I had mess of squirrels too big for one meal, I think I would par boil and fry the hind legs and saddles and make squirrels and dumplings or Brunswick stew out of the front ends.

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