SSS...and then bury it deeper? Did anyone see this??

I live in the boonies so I can be SELF RELIANT. I don't want to call the principal every time someone won't play fair. The police/sherrif have enough to do catching speeders and such. Most of the time if I called for something like this I MIGHT get a deputy in a couple days, IF they HAPPEN to be in my area.
But what if this is someones helper dog or seeing eye dog and it got out just this once? Wouldn't it be better if it could be worked out, to give your neighbors a chance to make reparations? You would not be willing to speak with the owner and ask for financial reembursement first? It seems to me that I would rather have the cash than just someone else's old dead dog. It seems like you loose and the dog pays but nobody gets any satisfaction.

Boyd, you and I are sooo different - the only folks I would shoot are people I personally dislike. Otherwise, where's the fun in it?

Having trained a seeing eye dog- (black lab) this would not happen, real helper dog schools remove from breeding and working dogs with prey drive. Thoses dogs are supposed to be laying at their person's feet or on duty or in a kennel- I don't see it happening. $10,000 of trained animal is not going to be attacking things 'if' lose- now as for the fake helper dogs all over the place ... I hear dog might attract crabs in the river...
I used to find the SSS thing offensive as well. The problem is the irresponsible dog owners that let their pets cause problems aren't willing to accept responsibility for the damage their pet does. I still wouldn't want to shoot someone's dog, but I wouldn't hold it against anyone who does. I like HorseJody's version. Shoot, Call the Sheriff, and Sue. I think the McChurch's need to be sued to understand their fault in the matter.
We used to have a White Trash neighbor who'd let his Pit/Chow/lab mixes run loose, terrorizing anything in their way. They cornered me in my car once, and I had to throw shoes out the sunroof to make them go away. This was when I was married to my ex, who didn't own a gun and wouldn't let me buy one. However, the one time my rescue sheltie got out the gate and was on WTN property, he shot at her three times with a 12 guage. He had no stock of any sort, was just an irresponsible owner. And his dogs killed two of my goats, I'm almost sure of it, because they tried to come back later that day as I was burying them. If I'd had a gun, you bet your sweet chicken booties I would have SSS, and I'm a total wuss! Because if I had shot the dog, called the sheriff, and the owner would have known, he was the type that would have retaliated violently.

Well, he got evicted. Yay!

The rest of my neighbors are good country folk, and we all agree that if any of our dogs get loose and go after each other's stock, they dog gets a warning shot in the butt, either rock salt or .22 guage or BBs. And we let the owner know. After that, is up to us. So far, we've only had to give one warning shot, and that to the Pit/Blue heeler mix that lives about a mile away. He was trying to get to my baby goats I had born in January. My Great Pyr, that I adopted ASAP after kicking out the Ex, let my then fiancee know something wasn't quite right. .22 in the back butt, the dog went home, we saw him the next week healthy and fine with a slight limp and no incliniation to come down our road.

If you can't control your predator-pets, which includes Dogs and Cats, then dont be upset when a legal cause is taken. And in Arkansas, you are within your legal rights to shoot any animal harming your stock, weather it be 2 chickens or 200.
But what if this is someones helper dog or seeing eye dog and it got out just this once? Wouldn't it be better if it could be worked out, to give your neighbors a chance to make reparations? You would not be willing to speak with the owner and ask for financial reembursement first? It seems to me that I would rather have the cash than just someone else's old dead dog. It seems like you loose and the dog pays but nobody gets any satisfaction.

Boyd, you and I are sooo different - the only folks I would shoot are people I personally dislike. Otherwise, where's the fun in it?

Having trained a seeing eye dog- (black lab) this would not happen, real helper dog schools remove from breeding and working dogs with prey drive. Thoses dogs are supposed to be laying at their person's feet or on duty or in a kennel- I don't see it happening. $10,000 of trained animal is not going to be attacking things 'if' lose- now as for the fake helper dogs all over the place ... I hear dog might attract crabs in the river...

The point of my statement is that SSS does not allow for the possibilities of errors, one time offenses and that it may be worth taking a deep breath and allowing that the dog may be out running around due to unusual circumstances. I can't believe how many advocate not trying to resolve things with your neighbors ammicably. I really think that trying to get along in your community is important, and that includes trying to solve problems between you and your neighbors without escalating it. I have never said for anyone not to defend thier livestock, but I have said that it would be wise to attempt to resolve situations like this peacefuly first.
call me coward then, in the last 15+ years, SSS should be SSSR. shoot/shovel/shutup/repeat. I take offense at lack of responsibility of dog owners who buy half a dozen dogs "For the Kids" and within 6 months the only care is a bowl of dogfood put out daily with the dogs freely roaming the countryside day and night.
OK folks, I have read the entire 10 pages of this debate. I will profess my ignorance.
call me coward then, in the last 15+ years, SSS should be SSSR. shoot/shovel/shutup/repeat. I take offense at lack of responsibility of dog owners who buy half a dozen dogs "For the Kids" and within 6 months the only care is a bowl of dogfood put out daily with the dogs freely roaming the countryside day and night.

I also find it offensive that my neighbors would think so little of me and my family as to not even attempt to resolve a problem between us with civility or communication. I would not treat my neighbors in such a way. If I have a problem with a neighbor, the first thing I do is talk to them about it. If my neighbors don't co-operate, I go from there. But why make an enemy when you could have a friend?

It seems to me, that there is an undercurrent in SSS of revenge. "Your dog killed my chickens, so I'll kill your dog".

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