SSS or call the cops?

The cops came this morning and made animal control take the dog away. It was loose when they came by. Then they asked me to show them the bite. The owners were not home so at least I have a police report and the dog taken to the pound.
Sweet. Justice was on your side.
Now about that cat......
Good! Glad the cops made animal control do their job. Also, neighbors now don't have a legal leg to stand on since the police saw the dog loose the day after it bit somebody. Keep your pictures and your paperwork from the walk in clinic as proof that the dog broke the skin-- that matters in some jurisdictions.

Glad you've got some self-defense options around the house as well. People who let a pit bull with an aggression history run loose (or escape) are not oriented to the same reality as the rest of us and may blame you for this, even though it's not your fault. Take care, and thank you for doing the right thing.
Hope this will make the neighbors more responsible with the next dog they get. Keep your guard up and cameras going,because people often retaliate by harming your pets or causing property damage.
Glad to hear the dog is gone and everyone is Ok.

Now your next call should be to Carhartt and thank them. You might get a comerical deal out of it.

I won't wear anything else. Oh, and the neighbors finally got home. They are pretty mad, but oh well. The people that live on the next ridge over thanked me for getting rid of it and they said that they can finally let their kids play in the snow. I've got a little something up my sleve for that cat.
Are they going to be able to get the dog back or were you assurred that it's biting days are over? Sometimes they just fine the owners a steep amount of $$ and they can have the dog back. Just wondering.....

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