Staggered hatching Hatch-A-Long

My cuties from last week in my daughters lap!
For some reason I'm not getting notifications here anymore.

Of my clutch 1, I just had a 100% hatch rate. Had to make 3 assists.

Clutch 2 (D9) is down to 5 definitely alive eggs and 1 probably not. Again, everything is developing except the marans, which are what I keep pulling out.
Here is a representative sampling of teh babies.

CCL x Bresse

BCM & Lavender marans

Mystery chick from a blue egg (EE cross?) and male Opal Legbar
Mystery & Opal legbar.jpg

Partridge Opringtons
Partridge orpingtons.jpg

Female Rhodebars
I saw your little one is struggling. I hope it will be okay!
Thanks.. I am trying to be patient and give it time but with paying so much and only one made it its hard.. within a few hours I plan to assist..

I started hatching last year so fairly new but have learned alot.. but haven't seen this yet.. air cell on the side chick on the side of the egg.

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