Stall Dry

It's excellent and so is 'Stable Boy' which you might be able to get locally at a tack shop or feed store...I'd go insane without this and food-grade DE for the barn and coop.
Hopefully the chickens won't eat it and affect any organic status! It is just clay and DE, so it couldn't hurt anything even if they did eat it. I tell ya, I went two months without cleaning out my coop and added very little shavings after using the Stall Dry. I cleaned it out last weekend and it was one wheelbarrow full of dry stuff. I used to get two+ barrows full of wet stinky stuff after only three weeks!
My husband just doesn't understand my excitement! LOL! I plan to use it in the try under the hutch of our inside bunny. I'm sure that will help A LOT with odor and moisture!

I wonder if I can convince my local feed store to supply it. Hmmm....
Someone already said it, but if you can't find DE or stall dry, ask the feed store if the have "sweet pdz". A little different substance, it's made from zeolite. Works the same and still organic. At my feed store it's $11 for 40lbs.

Here is what I do: I buy 2 bags of sweet pdz from the feed store. 1 granulated and 1 powdered. $22 for both.
I get a 50lb bag of DE on the internet ($22 + $20 shipping).

I use the granulated on the floor and in the shavings. I mix powdered pdz and de (about 3/4 pdz and 1/4 de) that gets sprinkled on the roosts, shavings, and other flat surfaces in the coop. I mix straight DE in with the food. By using the pdz to "cut" the DE it lasts a long long time. By making the DE last so long it takes the sting out of paying the high shipping on it.
So glad you posted this! I've seen it at the feed stores but didn't know what it was or how to use it. Was afraid they would eat it and didn't know it was just clay and DE. Will definitely have to get some - thank you!!!!
I've used Stall Dry for the last four years and loved it! I also use DE to keep bugs and girls like to dust themselves with it.

Great stuff to cut down odors! If it is super BAD, I throw down garden lime and Stall Dry to get the extra ump and it worked!

Too bad that it came from Canada.

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